The Importance Of Weight Loss

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Weight loss is a serious concern for most women in this civilized world. Gaining weight during pregnancy is quite easy; however, trying to lose it takes a long time. A weight loss plan requires commitment to exercise and adopting a healthy diet. During pregnancy, it is recommended to eat healthy, nutritious foods and increase the caloric intake, which results in increased portion sizes as the mom needs nutrients for both the baby and herself. In the end, this leads to excess weight gain. Some women will revert to their pre-pregnancy weight in a short period. On the other hand, some tend to gain and retain postpartum weight for the rest of their lives. It is acceptable for women to lose the pregnancy weight gradually “nine months up, nine …show more content…

Because breast milk has the right amount of nutrients and it is easily digestible. Breast milk also helps the baby fight off viruses and bacteria. From my personal experience, over the course of my pregnancy I gained forty-five pounds. I lost twenty-five pounds in six months but I retained twenty pounds. Breastfeeding is one of the main causes of my weight retention. Even though this issue is a challenge for most women after birth, I personally blame my traditional eating habits. Because postpartum meal scheduling is a little different in my culture. A mother must eat carbohydrate rich meals and drinks to stimulate milk production. The author of the book, Lose That Baby Fat, LaReine Chabut, referred in her book that “Breast-feed moms you will not be able to lose any weight and re-gain your pre-pregnancy shape if you take more calories than you burn” (p 27). Initially, my priority was to get enough milk for my baby. I tried different foods and drinks to stimulate milk production. I gained a lot of weight during this process. Later, I realized that it would be challenging to get back to pre-pregnancy weight. I noticed that the more weight I gained, the harder it became to lose it. Eventually, I was very concerned about the excessive postpartum weight retention as it may linked to risk factors for obesity later in life. In addition to breast-feeding, lack of sleep also contributes to weight

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