Prenatal care is an essential aspect of a pregnancy in terms of child development. Depending on whether the mother received adequate prenatal care, there could be problems with the child 's development (Santrock, 2016). Prenatal care might differ depending on the era of pregnancy. For example, a 21st century 's mother might more access to information due to technology as opposed to a 16th or 17th century 's mother. Could this have played a role in the type of prenatal care each mother engaged in during her pregnancy period? Another reason could be a difference in cultural beliefs which might influence a mother 's prenatal behavior.
The first mother 's child was born on 27 September 1997 (19 years old). She is from an African descent (Nigeria).
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She is from an Asian descent. She didn 't really change her diet, but paid extra attention to the foods she ate. For example, she avoided eating unpasteurized salad dressing, swordfish, and Kingfish which has mercury; a teratogen that can potentially harm the baby’s health. She also didn’t work through the pregnancy and took multivitamins and folic acid. She refrained from drinks containing alcohol and caffeine. Her sleeping pattern changed during the third trimester; she started taking short naps during the day. She indicated that she exercised during her pregnancy. For the first trimester, she engaged in moderately intense exercises such as running, cycling, and weight lifting five days a week for about forty minutes to one hour. Exercise intensity reduced in the second trimester till childbirth in which she engaged in speed walking, and in her third trimester, she did yoga for pregnant women. She had morning sickness in her first trimester, but it was mild. She took mild pain medications like Tylenol with dosage prescribed by her obstetrician with no significant exposure to environmental chemicals, infections, and other teratogens (Ting, …show more content…
This helps the mother control weight gain as she tends to gain less weight in the first trimester. though, they had some differences in their vitamin intake as one mother took medication for prevention of malaria due to her surroundings, they both took the recommended vitamins and nutrition for healthy child development, such as vitamin B complex (folic acid), multivitamins, fruits, vegetables, and an increase intake of water to help with dehydration and constipation. They both exercised during their pregnancy, though their intensity was different. For instance, the first mother didn’t engage in any form of exercise until her second trimester due to her history of miscarriages. The sex exercise was the most shocking part for me as I believe it could potentially harm the baby if care is not taken, but she claimed it helps to prepare the birth canal for childbirth resulting in a less painful and strenuous delivery (Santrock,
Maternal & Child Health Journal, 8(3), 107-110. Retrieved from
One may notice some characteristics of the author's culture as she puts emphasis on the importance of the period of time a woman goes through during her labor and giving birth to healthy newborn and religion in crediting God.
Pam Jenkins is a 36 year-old woman that is 30 weeks into her third pregnancy. Since her pregnancy began, Pam has gained 20 pounds. Although Pam has reduced the amount that she smokes, she continues to smoke 5 cigarettes per day, which may cause some issues with her worry of another preterm birth. Another factor that could also cause complications is her delayed prenatal vitamin use. After logging her dietary intake within a 24 hour period into SuperTracker, I will be making recommendations on how she can alter her diet and lifestyle to ensure that Pam receives the nutrients she needs for herself and for her baby.
Dahlan, Hannah. "Older Mothers: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly!" Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2014.
...heir diet during their pregnancy to treat all types of ailments. It is important to rule out any side effects, drug interactions or harm if any associated during pregnancy.
Health Care workers are constantly faced with legal and ethical issues every day during the course of their work. It is important that the health care workers have a clear understanding of these legal and ethical issues that they will face (1). In the case study analysed key legal and ethical issues arise during the initial decision-making of the incident, when the second ambulance crew arrived, throughout the treatment and during the transfer of patient to the hospital. The ethical issues in this case can be described as what the paramedic believes is the right thing to do for the patient and the legal issues control what the law describes that the paramedic should do in this situation (2, 3). It is therefore important that paramedics also
During pregnancy in Vietnam, women are believed to be passing through an important stage in life, which will result in bringing forth life. she has to observe many rites so as to have a save delivery and prevent any birth complications. For example; during the first trimester where the woman is considered to be in the a cold state and is required to eat hot foods like, ginger, hot peppers and avoid cold foods such as lemon, melons, pineapples, spinach and green papaya which if consumed in excess will cause diarrhea and cough. while in the second trimester where she is considered to be in the neutral state and may be allowed to eat any food. The pregnant woman in the third trimester should not consume any supplements and should decrease the amount of food she consumes. This is done to ensure a safe delivery of the infant at birth.(Traditional Chinese Medicine,2012). The main idea behind this belief is to have a balance between warm and cool energy transferred to the body. This is not directly related to the temperature of the food bu...
Schaffer, M.A. & Lia-Hoagberg, B. (1997). Effects of social support on prenatal care and health
It is important to understand what women commonly experience during pregnancy. With a better understanding of what happens during prenatal development and childbirth, physicians can competently develop the best plan for the mother and baby. I interviewed two women who have been previously pregnant in order to evaluate how the ideas in the book translate into real-life experiences.
The characterization of motherhood is established by many factors in both cultures. Society establishes an expected behavior of a woman before and after birth. Motherhood has been established and the trends have accumulated, which now influence how motherhood is characterized in these two cultures. Male-female relationships establish the role of the father in the characterization of motherhood. These societies are changing and the views are becoming different, but the role of the mother will continue throughout.
Hull, K., Montgomery K. S., Vireday P., & Kendall-Tackett K. (2011 fall). Maternal Obesity From All Sides. The Journal of Perinatal Education, 20(4).
Berger, K. S. (1980). 4: Prenatal Development and Birth. The developing person (pp. 93-121). New York, N.Y.: Worth Publishers.
This paper will examine three of the areas associated with planning a newborn child, including single parenting, concerns and expectations parents have when planning for and having a child, and financial issues that mothers face when planning a pregnancy. (Specify if you are talking about single moms or parents/couples, if talking about all of them you might want to consider narrowing your research.)
Poster, E. (1984). Human Responses to Child Bearing. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 6(3), 99. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database.
1) Reproductive health is important for women around the world. Women with reproductive capacity require ongoing health care to protect their health and the health of their newborns. The increased and sustained investment in reproductive health will ensure that women are able to receive preventive care prior during and after their pregnancies (Singh, Darroch, & Lori, 2014). This will help decrease the number of infants deaths related to pregnancies. It will also decrease the number of deaths with pregnant women. Investing in reproductive health may decrease the burden that steams from infant and women deaths that are related to pregnancy. Reproductive health has improved globally. However, disparities still exist between developed and developing countries (Singh et al., 2014). Therefore, it is important for countries throughout the world to invest in new technologies to strengthen reproductive health in areas that lack adequate preventive reproductive health services. This will allow countries to decrease the number of still births, miscarriages, and infants and women deaths. This will return the burden of these conditions. Moreover, many