The principal should implement the vision, plan, and leadership structure. They should assure that staff receives the professional learning they need and use data to impact learning for all students. The principal should ensure that there is quality instruction in every classroom, that staff members collaborate to improve instruction, and that communication is often and of high quality.
Leadership Team: Principal, Assistant Principal, Guidance Counselor, Behavioral Dean, FCIM Facilitator
• Support the implementation of schoolwide processes
• guide, support, and reinforce the continuous school improvement plan using multiple sources of data;
• plan for the use of data for the improvement of teaching and learning, schoolwide;
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School Advisory Committee: Principal, teachers, education support employees, parents, and other business and community
The School Advisory Council is responsible for final decision-making at the school relating to the implementation of the provisions of the annual School Improvement Plan. Each School Advisory Council assists in the annual preparation and evaluation of the School Improvement Plan (SIP) and the development of the school 's annual budget.
Curriculum Team: Principal, Assistance Principal, ESE Team Leader, Grade-Level Team Leaders FCIM Facilitator, Academic Coaches
• Support the implementation of Florida State Standards within and across grade levels;
• guide, support, and reinforce the continuous school improvement plan using multiple sources of data;
• plan for the use of data for the improvement of teaching and learning, schoolwide;
• disseminate
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Cross Grade-Level Team: One representative from each grade-level team for each of the following academic areas reading, math, science, social Studies
• focusing on instructional coherence for all core instruction;
• reviewing and clarifying the implementation of Common Core State Standards as they apply to strengthening
• effective classroom instruction schoolwide;
• working to strengthen the cross-grade-level alignment of curriculum instruction, assessment, and environment;
• sharing best practices and effective lessons toward the goal of bringing these to respective grade-level teams;
• making decisions about schoolwide instructional and assessment practices, related to consistency;
• planning and implementing professional learning.
• making budgetary recommendations to the Leadership Team in support of Common Core State
Applying Figure 1.1 from Victoria Bernhardt’s (2013) book Data Analysis for Continuous School Improvement it is this evaluator’s opinion that Portage High School is at a crossroads as a school of compliance and a school of continuous improvement (p. 4). Of the nine area of evaluation, Portage marks five in the area of compliance and four in the area of continuous improvement. Hence, the assessment is that Portage High School sits firmly as a school focused on compliance. This is a strong reflection of the building principal that feels that the use of data is wasteful endeavor. According the principal, “The experts in our building guide our processes; data does not drive our school. It’s only purpose is to determine
Osceola School District administration team is starting to implement a new plan to support the classroom instruction. The district administrators are focusing mainly in the subgroups of special education (ESE) and English language learners (ELL). In my work-site, the human resources allocated to both of those programs are usually disconnected of the regular education or content classroom. There is no communication between the regular teacher and the special education specialist. Part of the district superintendent plan is to provide the specialists with professional development in content, for them to support the regular class instruction. Additionally, the specialist must provide support as “team teaching” in the mainstream clas...
...ategies” that have been used and research shows how schools are impacted” (Ramsey, 2006, p.xv11).
Chappuis, S., J. C. (2009, February). Supporting Teacher Learning Teams. Educational Leadership: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development , pp. 56-60.
2. What are some areas of teaching and learning that you can lead in the school? (Instructional Leadership)
A flurry of solutions has been suggested, ranging from school uniforms to government grants. Unfortunately, many of these solutions are merely superficial. Uniforms, Internet access, and new buildings will do little to help overcrowded classrooms, overworked teachers, and disinterested students. The most obvious answer seems to lie in government grants to remedy buildings and supplies and standardized testing to confirm the quality of every education.
Leaders in the school have hard decisions to help make on a daily basis. They need to evaluate their decisions to make sure they are ethical and effective. Administrators need to listen to all sides of a situation and evaluate all options before they make a decision. This process is difficult because administrators need to make sure that all parties involved are satisfied with the decision that was formed.
[1] Goldratt, Eliyahu M. and Cox, Jeff (2004). The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement. Retrieved from http://
Each year our affiliates report outcomes, as well as monitor and adjust services. Communities in Schools is an evidence-based organization; delivering the human, financial, and community resources to help children succeed in school and achieve in life. CIS collects their data through Track-CIS, a national database that is customized for CIS. This data is then reviewed by the southern Nevada management team to ensure CIS is on track to meet performance measures. As a quality assurance measure case notes are spot checked for missing information. Data is then analyzed at several ...
In these changing times one of the biggest aspects of society that should be updated on a regular basis is education. Changes in curriculum as well as methods of teaching need to be revised each and every year. With this idea came the idea of the Common Core State Standard which is currently being adopted by forty-four out of fifty states in the United States. This new rework is designed to help better prepare students for college, universities, and the work place. However, not everyone believes this is the right move education should be taking at this moment. Those in support state this is the best decision possible to teach the children of the 21st century. Others say the cause for the decline in the quality of education in the United States stems from other sociological factors not from how the system is currently being worked. Even more are concerned if schools will be ready for this new wave of change. Will Common Core be effective in helping prepare high school graduates for the future? Only time will tell if the Common Core Standards proves effective in further helping students be prepared for the future.
...district trains staff with new technology tools that will include net books, mounted projectors, peripheral technologies, new student achievement reporting system (aka RAD and DAS systems running on Brio software, new access points, that centralizes the management console, so students and staff will be able to connect to the CCSD wireless network at all school sites. Training will also be provided to refine the RTI process. Using district and school goals, assessing needs using the right data, planning specific content and processes to teach best instructional practices, providing resources to ensure success, measuring success and providing frequent feedback, adjusting practices as needed to ensure successful implementation, evaluating and improving strategies and then sharing the plan with the community has been key to ensuring the highest student achievement.
circumstances. For this reform effort to be successful, it will take district and school leaders that act as both instructional leaders and politicians. As the instructional leader, they must ensure that every child every day receives an education rooted in high expectations and facilitated by staffs that genuinely believe that all children can learn and deserve the best opportunities to do so. As
Establish clear objectives for all lessons, units, and projects and communicate those objectives to children.
When all stakeholders share similar core values and agree on the aims of education, reform efforts stand a better chance for success. Knowledge, skills, critical thinking, and citizenship are core values found at the heart of my beliefs for education. I also believe it is the aim of education to prepare students as contributing members of society. In schools where core values and education aims are revisited due to reform implementation, strategies are identified along with a plan for implementation, monitoring and evaluation. The federal government, state, districts, school leadership, teachers, students and parents all have significant responsibilities to make reform efforts a success.
It takes a knowledge base and an innovated mind to succeed in a competitive society. Preparing to succeed starts in early education programs where students learn discipline, structure, and organization in a safe learning environment. A teacher's positive relationship, high expectations and confidence in students allow for students to learn in an environment that is conducive for learning. Varied student activities and instructional methods arranged for students to engage in, allows for individuality, growth and a quality education. School administrators have an important role in their community. Their professional behavior must be respected and their leadership must be accepted by those that they serve. They follow the National Association of Elementary School Principals and National Association of Secondary School Principals (NAESP/NASSP) ethical code of behavior. This ethical code helps to assist the profession in protecting those deserving its protection. It also helps to raise the confidence and conscience of administrators on behavioral issues. Fundamental ethical principles are always present to guide administrators in confronting, predicting or defining situations. The administrator serves in a public school. He/she is responsible for providing educational opportunities to all and displaying exemplary professional leadership. The motivational factor for the educational administrators is to do what is best for the student. This is important because students are the future of our country.