The Importance Of Salt On The Salt Of The Earth

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One evening, for dinner, I made my family’s favourite spicy grilled chicken. My kids took one bite of it and said it was disgusting. My husband looked at me and said, “Honey, you forgot your secret ingredient.” The secret ingredient for all my recipes is salt. I even add a pinch of salt to my sweet dishes, as salt enhances the sweetness in them, making the dish taste even sweeter.
Salt is a flavour enhancer. When salt is missing from food, all the other flavours turn dull and bland, and as my kids rightly remarked, the food tastes disgusting. We are called the salt of the earth because we are people that influence, we set a high standard of living and morality. We are flavour enhancers of this world, without us the world is bland and tasteless. We accentuate that by living our lives as God intends us, thereby we influence others to walk in the path of righteousness, by living justly, loving tenderly and walking humbly with our God. When we live our lives like this, it is evidence of God working in us, which invites others to taste and see that the Lord is good. …show more content…

Eat something salty and you feel thirsty instantly. Likewise, believers of Jesus Christ increase the thirst for God in others. We are a living testimony of the power and resurrection of Jesus Christ. God works in us and through us to draw people near to Him.
Salt is also a preservative. From ancient times, salt has been used as a preservative, by rubbing it with the meat or produce, which inhibits bacterial growth and hence, prevents it from decaying. Likewise, a believer acts as a preservative to this contaminated society, by preventing evil from spreading and decaying this

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