Pros And Cons Of Drinking Salt Water

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In my opinion, I think salt water is bad for you. If you’re stranded in a deserted island and you drink salt water, it’ll just make you even more dehydrated and probably kill you faster. If there’s nothing to drink at the island, then don’t drink the salt water because that’ll just make you die faster. Your body also won’t be able to get rid of all the extra salt. Your body fails when it tries to get rid of too much salt. Your kidneys produce urine to get rid of all that salt but it needs fresh water to actually make it work. If you drink salt water, then too much salt will go into your body and it won’t make the kidneys work which will eventually make your body fail. Salt water will pretty much make your body stop functioning if you drink too much salt water. Some salt is good for you but drinking a lot of salt water can make your body go weird or different. Our blood can’t really handle too much salt. When there’s a lot of salt, the water in the cell goes outside to balance itself. Since you’re drinking salt water, there’s a lot of salt which causes a lot of water to go outside to help out. That can cause the cells to actually shrink and that’s obviously not good. If the cells shrink, then they can’t carry out …show more content…

It tastes disgusting and it can give you so many problem with your body and your cells. It’ll make your kidneys not work which will probably eventually make your body fail. Your body can’t get rid of all that extra salt. It’s obviously better to drink fresh water because that will actually make your kidneys work. Salt is good for your body, but drinking too much salt water is really bad for you. Your blood can’t handle all the extra salt that comes with the sea water. The water in your cells has to go outside of itself to go balance all the salt. When a cell does that, it can start to shrink which is really bad for you. Salt water even just tastes horrible and with all the other effects, it’s not worth to drink salt

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