This process is an example of how a negative case from a point of view converted to a positive case by the public relations. This is the result of how public relations frame problematic situations and change them in a clear situation (Jefkins 1982:201-202). Moreover, this table is also providing an example about how PR evaluating the situations in its natural environment.
2.1.2 Channels of Public Relations
Public relations has to use the advantage of media in order to catch the attention of the public. When it comes to efficiently usage and benefitting from the media audiences and the media cohesiveness is the key. (Wilcox, Ault and Agee 1998:240). According to Wilcox, Ault and Agee (1998), the most effective medias to communicate with the desired public are: “Print media, Television, Radios and the online media” (Wilcox, Ault and Agee, 1998:240-241). All these mediums exist their own compatible advantage in the media environment.What is crucial for companies is to benefit and match their public relations strategies with them.
Public relation exists their own vehicles and tools which are important for organizations to achieve their short and long term objectives. According to (Kotler 1982); written material, audio-visual material, corporate identity media, news, events, speeches and telephone information service” are the main tools (Kotler,1982:389). In order to understand these tool’s main aims in organizations, we provide explanations. What is common for these tools are that they are serving for companies and aiming to realise an effective communication. When companies manage these important tools effectively they preserve their reputation and also it is a chance for them to remind the key target what are the specific ...
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...nd this approch will ensure organizations to obtain high returns (Kotler, Armstrong,Wong and Saunders, 2008:17). Moreover, according to Kotler and Keller (2012) marketing definition is “meeting needs profitability” (Kotler and Keller 2012:27). This definition signals the necessity of satisfying the target and potential consumers according to their special needs and as an outcome the company is obtaining a revenue to benefit itself. So to say, both sides are satisfying their needs. First of all, being successful compared to the other competitors is possible by identifying the market, consumers preferances and also competitor’s strategies for the consumers and acting afterwards in the market. Having defined “marketing” and “marketing concepts” before, it is important to understand “marketing orientation” and which stages of marketing it consists of.
These stages are:
Marketing In this day and age is vital for a company to perform at its possible best. Marketing’s main focus is to give great satisfaction to a customer. There are many aspect of marketing, these aspects give marketer’s the tools to help strive for the best possible success they can achieve. They hope that they can create exposure for their brand, product or service.
Change is an inevitable aspect when conducting business; crisis and respective unforeseen events too are an intrinsic facet and learning opportunity for organizational progress (Heath, 2001). During times of crisis public relations is an imperative supportive component to overall managerial activity involving a four-step process inclusive of analysis, strategic planning, implementation and evaluation (Ledingham and Bruning, 2000) in application of a broader practice beyond the immediate crisis with forethought to the future of the organization as a whole. To be an effective crisis management tactic, such a communications approach must be inter-departmental, to support the executive initiatives to define the reputational image and re-establish long-term relationships with key publics (Atkins, Bates, and Drennan, 2006). It is crucial to serve the best-interest and welfare of all involved stakeholders (Valackiene, 2010) and function as a strategic management tool in effort to uphold foundational organizational activities (Grunig and Grunig, 1998), whilst identifying factors including social, political, economic variance. Public relations theorist Grunig further identifies the important role of public relations as a (crisis) managerial function to provide grand merit to key publics, fueled with ethical and social responsibility in the best interest of said publics (2006). When defining appropriate courses of action in the presentation of key messages, “apologia” a rhetorical technique is frequently employed to cope in crises situations (Smith, 2009), utilized repair image or defend oneself; and in the delivery of such messaging it is imperative to exude morality and trustworthiness (Khors Schultz, and Huxman, 2003). Cutlip, Center ...
According to Hallahan (1999), practitioners employ seven different framing models — action, issue, attribute, event, news, responsibility, and choice — to influence a targeted public reaction (e.g., complete an action, notice some attributes and ignore others). To frame an issue, Zoch and Molleda (2006) identify five steps public relations practitioners use to predetermine the media’s narrative. More specifically, when pitching an issue to media members, it is packaged to define a problem, establish its root cause, purport judgements about the situation driving the cause, and offer a solution (p. 282). If used effectively, issue framing is a powerful organizational asset that can strengthen consumer loyalty or even propel a tarnished brand to greater heights. For example, Waller and Conaway (2010) attribute Nike’s ability to overcome a high-profile smear campaign in the 1990s, and later outshine its top rivals, to effective framing tactics. More specifically, Nike responded to press linking its factories abroad to sweatshop conditions by introducing an alternative narrative about its international presence. The company crafted several information subsidies (e.g., online statements) resulting in widespread media coverage about its
The discipline of public relations is a modern profession which has been in existence for only close to a century; however, it has already taken an important role in the fields of business, government, entertainment and non-profit organizations including educational institutions and healthcare organizations. Public relations professionals are required to have excellent organizational, interpersonal and communication skills and have the ability to persuade the public. It is imperative for PR professionals to effectively communicate with its public in order to establish and maintain a positive relationship. Furthermore, public relations professionals must have the ability to work under pressure and effectively manage crisis which may have detrimental effect on the company and the public it serves. State purpose of paper and an overview of what will be covered in the introduction
Twitter has grabbed attention of a variety of professions from sports analysts to business executives. Twitter can be used to share information, provide advice, and promote events. The multiple ways Twitter is used is very similar to the duties of a public relations professional. Although Twitter is used to supplement the tools that are already available for PR professionals, twitter is a great way to accommodate practices exorcised during the proactive stage of the conflict management life cycle. Many PR professional and agencies have started to merge Twitter in everyday practice. In particular, Landis Communication, Simply Zesty, and Bill Stoller have taken advantage of Twitter to further their work in the public relations field. While monitoring the three twitter accounts a distinctive pattern in the information shared presented a direct connection with the three subcategories of the proactive stage.
Marketing is a core pillar of an organization and contribute significantly in its prosperity through attaining the laid down targets as well as scope of development. The position of an organization is hugely based on its competitiveness and capacity to capture a significant portion of the market in relation to the prevailing needs of consumers. Interaction of the organization with the consumers and the potential consumer in the market arena is attained through the marketing wing of the organization (Ferrell& Hartline, 2012). The preferences of the consumer and avenues of satisfaction are aligned to the established marketing frameworks. However, the success of organization marketing is highly inclined to the marketing strategies formulated and adapted towards coping with competition and eventually enhancing firm competitiveness.
The major objective of any company is to make profits. Marketing is responsible for identifying a company’s customers anticipating their needs and wants, satisfying theses needs while keeping the its major goal which maximizing profits
Managing a Crisis Using Public Relations Handling Public Relations for any organization can be very difficult. task in any circumstance - even in simple, non-crisis situations. When a crisis strikes, that's when PR managers really have their work. cut out for them to see. A PR manager must always be prepared for the inevitable crisis to happen because that is when their jobs are really tested by the public and the organization.
In the evaluation of strategic management of public relations, both concepts of risk communication and situational theory can be integrated into the above-mentioned model. Risk communication is an ongoing process that builds the foundation for crisis communication. Particularly, the risk analysis process consists of hazard identification, risk assessment, significance of risks and communicating risk information.
Over the course of time, the idea that surrounds popular culture is mainly the fullness of ideas, perspectives and attitudes. Also within the mainstream of a given culture there are other phenomena’s such as images, videos and outlooks that shape the idea of how public relations is looked upon in the society today (Street 2004). In the past decade or two public relations has been portrayed through different texts, images, movies, shows and ideas that provide a critical analysis of how it is looked upon as a profession (Rhodes and Westwood 2008, 2]). In popular culture public relations is often depicted as being negative and devious (Morris, Goldsworthy and Corporation 2008). Over the period of time, entertainment mediums such as television
Public relations has many definitions and has been explained in different ways, but bottom line public relations is the process of communicating between organizations or individuals with the public/media (IPR, 2012). The main goal is to enhance positive public image in the effort to change public perception and instill change by telling a good story. When it comes to public relations or PR, it applies to businesses, individuals, celebrities, public figures, religious leaders, and anyone else who wants to create a positive image. Many associate public relations with marketing, but marketing is something you pay for and public relations is free. This is why companies can get very competitive to have an edge over their rivals by having a better image in the eyes of the public. Also PR helps the public get to know companies and how they operate. To provide the best service possible, business will conduct surveys in order to identify issues with product and complaints that the public might have. This process of public relations will boost customer relations, increase productive, and create a positive image that will bring in more consumers.
Today, public relations is a complex profession by thousands of thousands of people all the world to practice. Almost all large and small organizations have their own public relations department or they need to outsource their public relations to a company. Public relations practitioners work for schools and universities, companies, governments, professional and trade associations, hospitals, hotels, non-profit charities, and other else more (Grunig, 2001). Therefore, PR is an important department for organizations.
Marketing communications is the best way to appreciate the value of the goods and services offering by organization. Traditional tools of marketing communication disciplines are five: advertising, sales promotion, personal selling (see the EBS Sales Force Management text), public relations and direct marketing. There are also media in which time and space can be bought or used to deliver messages to target audiences. Organisations are planning which appropriate mix of these tools and the choice of media has for a long time been largely predictable.
Public relations is everywhere today. It is a practice that has become an important aspect of any business venture. Whether an organization is not for profit, for profit, or governmental, they still need and desire to communicate their purpose within the community and public relations allows this to happen. There are several publics in which the PR practitioner must correspond with and each requires a different means of communication. Internal publics are inside the organizations such as clerks, managers, and stockholders. "External publics are those not directly connected to the organization: the press, government, educators, customers, suppliers, and the community" (Seitel, 2004). Each public plays a key role in the PR of the organization. The many functions of PR can also be categorized based on what purpose they serve the organization.
...paper were very helpful to my research. Now days, Public Relations Professionals are becoming more and more dependent of social media to do their duties. With social media having a plethora of effective advantages, they make sure to execute correctly.