Public Image: The Process Of Social Media And Public Relations

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Public relations has many definitions and has been explained in different ways, but bottom line public relations is the process of communicating between organizations or individuals with the public/media (IPR, 2012). The main goal is to enhance positive public image in the effort to change public perception and instill change by telling a good story. When it comes to public relations or PR, it applies to businesses, individuals, celebrities, public figures, religious leaders, and anyone else who wants to create a positive image. Many associate public relations with marketing, but marketing is something you pay for and public relations is free. This is why companies can get very competitive to have an edge over their rivals by having a better image in the eyes of the public. Also PR helps the public get to know companies and how they operate. To provide the best service possible, business will conduct surveys in order to identify issues with product and complaints that the public might have. This process of public relations will boost customer relations, increase productive, and create a positive image that will bring in more consumers. …show more content…

These tools include press conferences, media, public events, and social media (, 2017). The more exposure possible with different outlets will help generate the positive image need to achieve success. The best way to accomplish this is the introduction of social media. Having the ability to instantly connect with the public, and get the message out to the world is key in the new age of public relations. Video messages, blogs, twitter, etc. gives the platform for the public to feel connected to a person or company. In many cases this is a positive thing, but social media can hurt the image in a short period of time if not monitored correctly. By using these PR tools it will help build relationships with the public and the target

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