The Importance Of Parental Influence On Child Education

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Parental involvement is crucially important in a child’s development, and success at school and in life. Communication benefits all parties that are involved; parents, school and the child. The interaction between the school and the parents, help the parents to get more involved in their child’s learning, and get new ideas on how to help their child have a greater success rate in school. Parents appreciate when their child’s school keeps them informed on the development of their child and feel more confident about the value of the school involvement. (Patrikakou, 2008) There are specific mechanism of parental influence that effect children educational outcome. The first one is through modeling school related behaviors and attitude. The parents are involving themselves in the schools activities and the children sees that their parents take an interest in their schooling. The parents take the time to help their child with homework, communicates with the teacher often, and asks the child questions about their day. The modeling theory predicts that children will emulate the behaviors of...

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