Personal Narrative: My First Personal Crisis

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As a young man I experienced my first personal crisis in the year 1992: the breakdown of a relationship. It was a matter of the heart and a first time for me, so it weighed heavy on me. By this time in life I had a reasonable professional standing and my attitude was that of a go-getter. Despite all that foundation of confidence, this crisis hit me hard. I could not fathom the quintessential 'Why me?' question and got caught up in self-sympathy. I was terribly depressed.

Those were some difficult months I lived through. Swimming in a concoction of emotions - anger, despair, guilt and remorse - I confined myself to the security of home. I turned into a very selfish and self-sympathising recluse.

During this hibernation period I was given two …show more content…

We lead people in terms of families, projects, ideas, events, ventures, companies, so on and so forth. During our journey of leading people, and as a matter of course, we softly teach ourselves to be inspirational. Unknowingly, an aspiration is seeded in our being - to be an inspirational leader. Without realisation we start honouring ourselves with titles such as 'Inspirational or Inspiring'. In my life coaching world people often ask me questions such as "Are you into inspiring speeches?" or "Why don't you put your profile as Inspirational Life Coach?"

Now all such thinking is wonderful and with good intentions. No harm done. However I wonder is it our job to be inspirational? Is it our job to be consciously thinking about inspiring others? is it even our job to be conferring such titles upon ourselves, despite all the good intentions?

In my understanding, it is not. But then what is our job?

I think our job is to simply discover our life's purpose and bring it into reality. To light that inner lamp, to let it glow, and to be deeply inspired by its

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