The Spiritual Guide

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St. Ignatius of Loyola was a Jesuit priest during 1500s the that developed the Spiritual Exercises. The Spiritual Exercises is a series of rules that is intended to be a guide or manual for those on a retreat. The manual provides its audience with guidance and encouragement to discover their purpose, their "True Self" and path in which they want to travel in life. St. Ignatius's goal for his set of prayers, Spiritual Exercises, is to freely choose to follow God and to serve Him.
The purpose of the Spiritual Exercises is to self-reflect and discover our goal and purpose in life. The Spiritual Exercises gives us to ability to apply our understanding to everyday decisions and to know the right decisions for ourselves, God, Catholicism, and faith. St. Ignatius emphasizes the interior individual freedom that we have received from the death and Resurrection of Christ This freedom of choosing decisions gives an individual freedom. He uses the four weeks of spiritual exercises to prepare us and help us recognize our purpose in life.
St. Ignatius's Spiritual Exercises are a guide to find our reason in life through a four week plan of spirituality. Each week has a set goal to that helps us reflect on our lives and experiences. The spiritual exercises help us come to recognize the significance of Jesus' life, death, and Resurrection. It allows us to become closer to Christ, embrace and celebrate His life and passion, grow live faithfully in His words. The goal of the first week is "to reform what is deformed in the soul" (IVE). St. Ignatius discusses the important of examining the soul three times a day: the first in the morning after waking up, the second after dinner, and the third at the hour of Vespers. This self examination helps o...

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...h we should follow and recognize our purpose of life: to serve God. Christ gave us spiritual freedom through His death and Resurrection in hope that we use this freedom to willingly choose to follow Christ.
We are each created for a purpose and an end. We are given the true freedom to make this decision of which path we will trail down in life: Christ's path or Satan's path. St. Ignatius's book of Spiritual Exercises helps us make this decision in life. By using this guide or spirituality, we are given the ability to fully reflect on our inner self and to discover our potential and purpose on this earth. The spiritual exercises leads us on a journey to find our "True Self" in trust that we develop an awareness and ability to recognize God in all living things. In our end, we will join God and Christ in the Kingdom of Heaven and celebrate in the enjoyment of God.

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