Analysis Of Earl Nightingale's Speech

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Chapter 7: What God expects us to be? Effortless Successful: the power of being different.
The answer is very simple; God wants us to reign with Christ and for His Glory. The bible says we are the Kingdom Part-takers this means that as Christ Reigns over the Earth from Heaven, so should we reign here in the earth. Every one of us has been created for a purpose. This might sound like a repetition but this is the point for this book. It is for us to discover the reason and the purpose for our lives. With God we cannot loose, we have to always win because He says so. As the rain falls down and waters plants so does His words on our lives. Every word spoken by God about our lives will come to pass the quicker we discover this the quicker it will …show more content…

In this speech, Earl described success as simply being “A progressive realisation of a wealth idea” period. Therefore my question is how many of you have many wealthy ideas that other people need and even willing to pay for? So if you have one or more wealthy ideas, you have the potential to be once or many times successful. One of his many advices I took from Earl’s speech is that a Man search for himself, we need to discover what makes us to be us. We like conformity and the reason is because everyone wants to do what everyone else is doing. But the person who only succeeds is the one that discovers his/her values at early stage and follows this through. A sales man becomes successful because he is so good in selling and he enjoys it. A mother enjoys being a mum because she is good at it and she loves it. Whatever gift you may have keep it hidden while it grows, Moses was hidden until later in his life, Jesus was hidden until the age of 30 that is when His Gift was fully exposed and ready to transform lives! So keep it quiet with your gift, let people talk foolish of you until they discover what you have become that is the best revenge is to actually become what your enemies never thought you will ever become. Joy is coming in morning so be quiet and be still. People who have goals continue to be successful and those who do not achieve nothing in life rather than blaming others for their fall. So if you have any idea of what you would like to do in life, write this down, and print a picture of this Habakkuk 2:4 write a vision it shall surely come to pass so the Lord stated to Habakkuk now tell me did the Lord lie? no, He is not a man to lie you know that. Look at it every now and then I mean whatever your vision is; put in a place where you can see every day , put some

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