The range of truthful philosophy has been very much broadened. A sustained focus on groups through the watchful eye of collective moral responsibility has resulted in this widening. For the most part, when treated as somewhat of a social practice, it has been interpreted that moral responsibility falls under the spectrum of interactions between friends, fellow citizens, colleagues and relatives. Working from this thread of thought, harm being caused to one person by another sparks blame in a responsible and judging framework. Joint actions coupled with a range of groups can and do have serious harms. Here are some instances of problems that alarm people the world over and are very much real and escalating and at a worrying pace; Wars, gang violence, toxic waste spills, world hunger, overcrowding and brutality in U.S. prisons, corporate fraud, the manufacture of unsafe and defective products, failure of legislative bodies to respond to pressing public policy concerns or financial waste by a governmental agency. Collective moral responsibility discusses measures suitable for addressing extensive damage and misconduct related to the activities of groups. The vital workings of the simple idea of moral responsibility are acutely engrained in the fabric of all societies and are constitutive of community life. A society will not be identifiable as a human one, regardless of any extents of creative visions, unless it holds some idea of moral responsibility. When it comes to individuals and the basic model of moral responsibility that applies to that individual, it seems there is a general consensus. However, where the argument lies is with application of moral responsibility to a group and the group’s affiliates. Collective moral respo... ... middle of paper ... ...ircumstances where moral responsibility can be placed on every member of a random collection, it is in virtue of the principle by which we pick out the members as being members of that random collection to which we point the blame. For the most part Held’s examples are defined by spatial and temporal contiguity and as a result when a random collection is not defined in this way it looks as though the features that define group membership may be the ones in virtue of which moral responsibility is given. Stanley Bates makes a great point of view when he asks if white Americas are responsible for the awful racial situation in America. This just shows that if we want to be able place blame on every member of a group then we better make a more clear-cut description of random collection. A lot of areas of Held argument need re-examining but it is a great place to begin.
When there is a dilemma that affects a group of people, actions by the right people can be
Moral Theory and Personal Relationships In his article "The Schizophrenia of Modern Ethical Theories," Michael Stocker argues that mainstream ethical theories, namely consequentialism and deontology, are incompatible with maintaining personal relations of love, friendship, and fellow feeling because they both overemphasise the role of duty, obligation, and rightness, and ignore the role of motivation in morality. Stocker states that the great goods of life, i.e. love, friendship, etc., essentially contain certain motives and preclude others, such as those demanded by mainstream ethics.11 In his paper "Alienation, Consequentialism, and the Demands of Morality," Peter Railton argues that a particular version of consequentialism, namely sophisticated consequentialism, is not incompatible with love, affection and acting for the sake of others. In the essays "War and Massacre" and "Autonomy and Deontology," Thomas Nagel holds that a theory of absolutism, i.e. deontology, may be compatible with maintaining personal commitments. The first objective of this paper is to demonstrate that despite the efforts of both Railton and Nagel, consequentialism and deontology do not in fact incorporate personal relations into morality in a satisfactory way.
In conclusion, I have argued that without a sense of accountability a connection to morality cannot be made. Wirzba’s claim holds true, and we must take into account our actions and be respectful of the requirements of the places we encounter.
Axiology is the study of the Nature of Values. As an Existentialist I believe that a person’s choices are what creates the human being. As I am a military child, I have had a very strict life. While most of the values I learned were from my home life, school and other sources backed these values up. I will focus on my top three values which are respect, responsibility, and understanding. The others that will guide my practice are discipline, trying your best, kindness, and commitment. The first value that came to my mind was respect. Respect is very important because you must earn others respect and vice versa. I learned this, first, through my home, by respecting my parent’s wishes, even if it was not something I agreed with. Thus in turn,
Morality binds people into groups. It gives us tribalism; it gives us genocide, war, and politics. But it also gives us heroism, altruism, and sainthood (“Jonathan Haidt Quotes.”). This quote sums the importance of morality perfectly. Even though morality may not be beneficial when the lives of the many out way the lives of the few or if it endangers your own well-being, we have an obligation to understand the morality of different people whether it’s socially, culturally, or religiously. When we fail to take into account these difference we breed conflict and eventually war.
Free will and moral responsibility has always been one of the most basic and fundamental elements of philosophy. It is undeniable that there is a connection between free will and moral responsibility. Different philosophers throughout the ages have viewed this connection in both similar and differing ways. The first connection between free will and moral responsibility can be seen by Aristotle and Epictetus through their views of the voluntary and involuntary. It can then be seen in a differing view by Frankfurt in which a person is only free if they are free to have the will they want.
“Different cultures have different moral codes”, James Rachels discusses in his article Why Morality Is Not Relative? (Rachels, p. 160). A moral code is a set of rules that is considered to be the right behavior that may be accepted by a group of individuals within a society. Each culture tends to have their own individual standards and moral codes. Moral codes are guidelines laid out by a cultures ancestors. Standards are guidelines set forth by the individual themselves. Standards and morals don’t always have to be the same, but there are instances where they are. The moral codes claim what is “right” and what is “wrong”. Moral codes outline what behaviors individuals are supposed to make. These codes are basically laws, but specifically
Ethics are moral principles or values that govern the conduct of an individual or a group.It is not a burden to bear, but a prudent and effective guide which furthers life and success. Ethics are important not only in business but in academics and society as well because it is an essential part of the foundation on which a civilized society is built.
People are often blinded by the situation in which they are in, and by their personal motives which drive them to act. Humans, by nature, have faults and vices that are potentially harmful. It is the responsibility of society to anticipate harm, whether to oneself or to others. Once dangerous patterns and habits are recognized, it is imperative to anticipate and prevent injury from reoccurring. To allow any individual to be inflicted harm forces citizens to lose trust in the government, thus unraveling the fabric of society.... ...
Ethics is concerned with the study of morality and the application of reason to elucidate specific rules and principles that determine right and wrong for a given situation (Crane & Matten, 2010). Since law does not necessarily cover the morality of many controversial issues, moral reflection ought to be performed on any action, regardless of its lawfulness. The growing power of business in today’s society has enabled businesses to significantly impact the world. Hence, business ethics is highly relevant as it could determine whether businesses contribute or cause harm to the society at large.
Introduction Generally, ethics is defined as standards of performance that explain how human beings should opt to react during many circumstances in which they meet with friends, citizens, parents, teachers, children, professionals, and businesspeople, among others. However, ethics is different from feelings, as feelings make significant information’s available for our ethical preferences. Although some people possess highly mature behaviors that cause them to feel awful when they get involved in the wrongdoings, most of the people normally enjoy doing bad things. Ethical decision-making And frequently people will feel uncomfortable when they are mandated to make difficult decisions.
My attendance in high school was not as high as my teachers may have wanted it to be. I found myself yearning for more and finishing my work too quickly. When I went I tried to soak up as much as I could but it wasn’t really until my college courses that I found that knowledge I wanted and regained a strong desire to attend class. While I have never missed classes unless terribly sick, I have been tardy a handful of times. Since honestly is the best policy I cannot fail to ignore that. Sometimes I was not on time due to work other times I simply left the house later than I expected to. It was not enough times to cause a problem, but it definitely has made me more aware of my punctuality.
“Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of the life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and the society at large”
As society as a whole we are most often times given a set of rules to follow. These rules or laws act as a pathway to help us choose between right and wrong. If someone were to choose the wrong path, there can be severe consequences. In the United States it is common to see jail time when we go against the set moral code. In other countries we may see forced labor or find people put to death for their actions. Each society sets it’s own rules and moral standards. But there is much more to being a moral person than following the laws of a society. As defined by Alan Wolfe, moral freedom means “individuals should determine for themselves what it means to lead a good and virtuous life” (Wolfe, 2001). This means that even though we are given a
When considering morality, worthy to note first is that similar to Christian ethics, morality also embodies a specifically Christian distinction. Studying a master theologian such as St. Thomas Aquinas and gathering modern perspectives from James Keenan, S. J. and David Cloutier serve to build a foundation of the high goal of Christian morality. Morality is a primary goal of the faith community, because it is the vehicle for reaching human fulfillment and happiness. Therefore, great value can be placed on foundations of Christian morality such as the breakdown of law from Aquinas, the cultivation of virtues, the role of conscience in achieving morality, and the subject of sin described by Keenan.