The Importance Of Molding The Future Of My Future Students

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Throughout my high school career, teachers have encouraged me and impacted my life. This is something I wish to be able to pass onto my future students by majoring in Middle Childhood Education with a concentration in science and history. Furthering my education means I can make a positive influence on the students’ lives, just like the influential difference that was made on mine. Becoming a teacher also means that when I retire I can glance back on my life and know that I did the best I could, and helped shape kids into young adults. Secondary education, however, is not free. With the transportation, books, and the tuition, college can be expensive.
By attending Kent State, I will have the potential to earn higher wages; which will benefit not only me, but my future family. It will allow me to gain connections, which could help me for a lifetime. Being a first generation college student this is something that I hope can be prevailed throughout future generations. Furthermore, attending college and becoming a teacher will allow me to experience joy when I witness a difference being made. Molding the future of my future students, I will see them gain new insights and learn about themselves. Being able to impact the lives of …show more content…

Unbeknownst to anyone, he took out roughly $30,000, and my parents drained their entire one bank account helping him, thinking he needed the money. However, my family later discovered his addiction. Between his stealing, my parents helping him, and paying for his expenses when they thought he needed it for the last three years, my parents shelled out over $100,000; all while depleting the college fund they had for me. Between insurance and out-of-pocket pay, my parents have also paid over $40,000 for rehab. Three rehab visits later and prison time, my brother is finally clean. Yet, my parent’s financial security is scarce, and they are in the process of rebuilding

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