I Want To Obtain A College Degree Essay

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College is a place where people go to learn and to grow as a person. Most people go to college for the same reasons. They want to set a good foundation for getting a job, experience new things, or because their parents wanted them to. All of those reasons apply to me also. Getting a college degree is almost mandatory in this era. Finding a good job without a college degree is extremely difficult. Most of my family didn’t attend college so they always told me the struggles they faced when searching for jobs. My goal is to become an accountant so I can only learn those skills in college. I want to further my education and career opportunities by becoming a certified personal accountant. College not only teaches skills that people need for jobs, but it also teaches skills for improving as a person. …show more content…

I want to make mistakes when i'm young so I can learn from them and don’t make them when i'm older. College is where people go to find out who they are and who they want to become. Experience is the best way of learning so I want to make sure I don’t limit myself to certain ideas. My parents have always pushed me to be better than they were. They knew that if I wanted to be successful I needed to go to college. In highschool, they always made me put my education before anything else. My parents didn’t go to college so they would always tell me to not make that mistake because their lives could have been easier if they would of just invested a few more years into their education. They would also tell me about all the opportunities that missed out on because they decided not to further their education. In closing, college will be a great opportunity for me to create lifelong memories and friends. College will not only set me on the path of success, but will also inspire other people and maybe even my future kids to get a college

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