The Importance Of Family Community In The School Community

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pg. 212). I have also heard from some experienced teachers that they notice parents who are new to Canada are also reluctant to engage with the school community. I believe that bringing the family community into the school community is vital for creating a sense of community in the classroom and for the student’s individual success, although I am not 100% sure how to accomplish this. I imagine as a parent a school can be a scary place. I remember when I went to school my mom wasn’t married; she was 24 and quite a bit younger than any of the other parents. She actually pushed up her and my step-dad’s wedding so that she could be married before I attended kindergarten. Even after she got married my mother was not comfortable in my school for quite some time, simply due to her age she felt an outsider amongst other parents and teachers so therefore was reluctant to engage in the school community. If my mom experienced those feelings as a white woman who went to school in Canada, I imagine it would be very difficult for some Aboriginal peoples, or a people who have recently arrived to …show more content…

By home community I mean their sense of place; whether that is the small town where they are originally from, or the reserve they grew up on, or where they currently live. Where you come from makes up a large part of who you are, and I feel that in order to create a community you need to know where everyone is from. I feel this is especially important for the Aboriginal or minority students as where they come from could have a completely different culture than other students in the classroom. If everyone in the classroom is able to have an understanding as to where their classmates come from then they will have a better understanding of their class-mates and hopefully this understanding will help to combat the effects of racism, or bulling in the

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