The Importance Of Indigenous Education

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It is crucial that teachers employ a number of strategies in order to support the education of students from disadvantaged groups. Whether these strategies are expressed through pedagogy, curriculum or just communication, they all have a significant role in enhancing the opportunity to gain an education.
As we know, Indigenous culture is driven on relationships in their communities. For education to support Indigenous students’, teachers must reflect these cultural values and focus on making education a shared experience (MacFie, 2015). Strengthening the connection of Indigenous communities and schools can alter their prior negative views of schools. This approach allows students and parents to build a sense of belonging within the school, support activities in the classroom leading towards shared responsibility for successful outcomes and most importantly feel comfortable and confident with their education (Aus. Government [What Works], 2016). Some families may not wish to be involved with teacher parent relationships due …show more content…

By integrating different levels of capabilities into learning, it gives Indigenous students a chance to begin where they are comfortable at, giving them the confidence they need to progress onto further levels of work. Positive impacts to Indigenous education outcomes are greatly affected by the ‘8 ways of Indigenous learning’ framework which interconnects pedagogies, creating a further degree of understanding (8 ways of learning, 2012). This strategy is not only benefiting the Indigenous students in the classroom, but can also cater to diverse learning needs of non-Indigenous students. It will also increase the feeling of inclusion for Indigenous students as everyone can participate in their cultural ways of learning, expanding their connectedness to the school, therefore, desire to succeed (Devlin,

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