The Importance Of Early Adulthood

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The Early Adulthood is usually between the ages of 25 and 40 at this time individuals are naturally vivacious, alive and healthy, and are involved closely to old friendships, romance, child bearing, and life careers (Physical Development, 2014). In the event certain conditions seems to arouse in some individual, such as evolved into a violent situation, making bad relationship choice, and merely just developing a type of disorder such as bipolar, eating disorders. Normally at the early adult stage, in life young adults are setting their goals, and plans in order, how to achieve the best of what life has to offer them. The negative and positive choices are mainly left in their hands to choose what is beneficial to what kind of lifestyle they will lead. …show more content…

Most individuals around this age period is looking for marriage and having children. At this stage the early adults are still trying to balance careers and personal goals as well. This is a time of making choices in finding soul mates and making marriage decisions, planning families are often made during this period. In today’s time divorce rates has soared to its highest levels among young people who has married, and parents who have also divorced. These children have also adopted the lifestyle of their parents, which they have practiced similar qualities, personalities, basically following in the footsteps of their

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