The second is pratical strategies as proposed by Nation (1990) and Gairns and Redman (1986). It involves classroom review of the previously introduced vocabulary repeatedly as well as homework (i.e. classroom test, games, semantic maps, written repetition). It is affirmed that repetition is meaningful in doing activities at the classroom (i.e. matching the words with pictures and completing the sentences) to help learners to memorize vocabulary as long as possible (Thornbury, 2004:24).
The third strategy is training strategies as proposed by Cross (1991) and Allen (1983). The purpose of strategy training is to teach students strategies for independent vocabulary learning (i.e. guessing meaning from context, word building, dictionary use and
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Use Strategic Vocabulary in the Class
Class may be the main place for students to hear or using English. Walsh (2006) cited in the thesis (Hartati, 2014: 20) divides into four ways in which classroom teaching strategies; managerial, materials, skills, and systemand Clasroom context. Each one has a different teaching purposes and may include different functions.
1) Managerial mode refers to the way teachers manage their classrooms, moving between activities or use the marker when it would begin closing the subject matter and using English, then repeat using the Indonesian such as Ok, let's change the roles, we'r finished.
2) Material mode refers to a conversation that occurs when teachers and students do activities in the material. This includes to stimulate response from the students, examine, explain the answers and provide good feedback like that's right, excellent, good.
3) Skills and system modes that skill to teach teachers to get feedback from students, explain or correct the data. (I mean, now, first of all)
4) Classroom context refers to type of language learners using student's personal experience or feelings of students called "freer practice activities. Here the role of the teacher is to listen and support the interaction, which is mostly student experience as a casual
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The Steps Teaching Vocabulary
The steps teaching vocabulary according to Celce cited in (Hartati, 2014:21), namely:
a. giving the context, namely the teacher gives the meaning of the word with one or several techniques.
b. Repetition the meaning of words by asking questions about the wordswithout context until they are able to reciting them pretty well.
c. The use of the word in the context of a situation a variety. For example the teacher gave the same response in a variety of situations in which the meaning of the response is a variety too.
d. Giving an example sentence or model. Teacher gives sentences examples remind students about how to use vocabulary in that sentence in the proper context.
Teachers must be take advantage of a variety of teaching techniques and vocabulary can make the students begin to understand a word. So it will be achieved the goal of the learning process effective and efficient. In this study, a teacher using cooperative learning model and the techniques used are techniques two stay and two stray (TS-TS), think pair share (TPS), etc.
9. Using Pictures in Teaching
4. METHOD/MEDIA: This period of instruction will be taught by the lecture method with the aid of PowerPoint Presentation and handouts
4). Students will enrich their vocabularies and improve their understanding of these new vocabulary terms in reference to the time period
In the role as an observer, the classroom was well-managed. This is on the basis that there was no need for the use of physical control cues, for example nods and eye contact among others and verbal control cues like orders, commands, scold among others. Also, it was observed that no students wandered about the classroom. Second, the students were actively engaged, which resulted in an optimal learning environment which aided in the management of the classroom. My view is congruent to that of Miller (2015), which stated that, “once students are engaged in the classroom, then management issues will dissipate.” Third, students sharing in the management of the classroom were seen in the role conducted by the class monitors. According to Jones & Jones (2005), “Glasser states that students will function productively only in
(c) Learners’ cognitive strategies employed in learning, memorization and comprehension. Different cognitive strategies such as practicing, illustrating
Vocabulary development should give the students the ability to learn the meaning of new words and concepts that are presented to them in their text. Learning this skill will help students with comprehension and their content area curriculum. By teaching students vocabulary development, students will have a reserve of new words, connect new words with their previous knowledge, gain the ability to understand and comprehend the text, and lastly, it will increase a students’ word knowledge to connect with their comprehension and success.
A teacher’s responsibilities are to ensure that every student gets the education that they deserve from a well-structured curriculum and materials. Within the teacher’s responsibilities a strong foundation of instruction has to be implemented, this is why instructional strategies are significant in a teacher’s career. The strategies for instruction vary from teacher to teacher; as a result there are no specific ways to employ strategies within instruction. The main purpose of this essay is to display knowledge of methods that are involved in teaching second language instruction for various ages and levels of students. This essay will also develop from the following components that methods and techniques are important to encourage tactical instructional strategies. These components are comprehensible input, feedback that is on-going, specific and immediate, grouping structures and techniques, building background and vocabulary development along with student engagement.
This first part of this module, Effective classroom focus on instruction design. I have learnt various methods to plan, resource, implement, analyze and evaluate teaching. I also recognize the importance of planning in classroom teaching. Although a good planning is a necessary condition for effective teaching, it is not sufficient because students¡¯ responses and behaviours are always unpredictable. Therefore, a well-equipped teacher should have adequate knowledge in classroom management and understand different approaches in solving discipline problems. Certainly, the most important is that teachers should be able to apply appropriate approaches according to different situations. In this portfolio, I will give my personal theory of classroom discipline and teacher-pupil relationship first. Then, my reflection on the topics covered will be included. Moreover, cases from my previous learning and teaching experiences and newspaper will also be used to illustrate the application of various approaches for effective classroom management. Lastly, I will summarize the knowledge, skills and attitudes I learnt in this module and their importance for my professional development as a teacher.
Strategies for Teaching Vocabulary. Teaching young learners vocabulary can be achieved through various methods and strategies. Successful acquisition involves a teacher’s understanding how to use a variety of strategies to help a learner have an understanding of the target vocabulary and being able to retain and recall the information when needed. To communicate efficiently, learners need strategies to accomplish their aims in language acquisition. Ideally for very young learners, techniques and approaches should attract their attention, as young learners have a limited attention span compared to older learners. Young learners enjoy a numerous amount of classroom activities. Some of the primary approaches to mention include songs, games and role-play, which are motivational and limitless approaches of introducing vocabulary to a young learner
With this in mind, Crawford W. Long Middle School received the Georgia Milestone Assessment results which revealed students are deficient in vocabulary usage across all content areas. In-class observations, I did not see students using strategies to decode or recognize vocabulary for comprehension and mastery. As a result, a schoolwide action plan in vocabulary instruction was integrated across all content areas. For this reason, all teachers had to use the first 20 minutes of class incorporating vocabulary strategies in the lesson such as showing students how to recognize word parts(decoding), and context to figure out new words through reading a caption or paragraph, writing a sentence, or analyzing a picture. Overall, will this intense, purposeful vocabulary instruction be enough to increase student comprehension and science literacy at Crawford Long Middle
Mnemonic instruction refers to instructional or learning strategies designed specifically to improve memory. Mnemonics are useful for improving initial learning and long term recall. Well known mnemonics developers, Mastropieri and Scruggs (1991)explain that they provide a means of specifically helping both in the aspects of increased information recall, and in providing effective strategies which, when applied, help in retrieving the information (as cited in Sener & Belfiore, 2005). Mastropieri and Scruggs have done extensive work with mnemonics and highlight their particular use in developing improved ways of taking in (encoding) information so that recall (retrieval) from memory is easier. A mnemonic strategy works to relate new information
Further in this term-paper I am going to describe the stages in child language acquistion starting from the very birth of an infant till the onset of puberty.
There are slow learners as well as a mixture of fast learners in every classroom. These should be taken into consider and activities should be planned accordingly so that slow learners will not left behind and fast learners will not be bored. There are students with learning difficulties which will affect the teaching learning process. These should be taken into consider and teachers need to avoid things happening which as an effect in the teaching learning process. Behavior such as disruptive and destructive shows similar characteristics. These behaviors need to be discussed with the parents and necessary actions need to be taken to create a good atmosphere in the class. Also teachers will be able to identify different cognitive levels and learning styles. Some students learn through audio, some need to see visually while some of them learn by writing. So as teachers we need to have all these learning styles in a lesson to fulfill each individual. Planning should be done accurately which helps in the teaching learning process. Teachers play a great role in handling different children in the classroom. To build up an effective teaching process, these facts need to be taken into consideration. Teachers could think of different ways that they can implement in the classroom in the process of teaching and learning. Group method is one of the main teaching
In order for learning to take place in the classroom the teacher has to put in place an effective teaching and learning strategy. Being an effective teacher is not something that can be achieved instantaneously but rather something that has to be continuously developed and improved upon over time. Petty mentions how good teachers are not born but rather make themselves and that effective teaching comes from learning from your mistakes and successes. Petty, p. 516, 2009. This process involves teacher reflection and assessment of the effectiveness of different teaching strategies used in the classroom. It is only then that teachers can learn and advance themselves.
Classroom management is the foundation of education at all levels. Optimal teaching and learning require an environment conducive to learning through structure, support, organization and guidelines. Classroom layout, routines and procedures as well as a carefully thought out discipline system are the core elements of my classroom management strategies. Lesson planning is also vitally important to ensuring engaged, motivated and on-task students, but even the most imaginative lesson plans can be ineffective in an unmanaged classroom. In my opinion, younger learners need more support and structure than the older students do, especially in an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom where communication between the teacher and the students can be very
Instead, EL students benefit in learning new content knowledge when an instructor methodically produces a lesson with a systematic I do you do approach; while purposely adding visuals whenever possible. Modeling content knowledge can be accomplished when the instructor writes the objective or provides an outline of what the lesson entails in student friendly vocabulary for each lesson where students can visually see. Next, the instructor should discuss what the end goal of the lesson is through hand gestures and changing the speed and tone of the voice to elaborate key concepts. Additionally, teachers should provide visual vocabulary whenever possible. Playing videos, word walls, or showing pictures of key vocabulary in a lesson will help students who struggle with differences in language grasp what is being asked of them more clearly. Lastly, instructor should show examples of projects and essays for reference. This will allow EL students to visualize the end product; allowing them to organize their ideas and