The Importance Of Content Knowledge

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“…Content knowledge refers to the body of information that teachers teach and students are expected to learn in a given subject….Content knowledge generally refers to the facts, concepts, theories, and principles that are taught and learned…” (edglossary, August, 2013). In contrast, transfer refers to “the ability to learn in one situation and then to use that learning…in other situations where it is appropriate” (Hunter, 1971, p. 2). Moreover, both content knowledge and teaching for transfer are vital aspects in the learning process; especially when it comes to EL (English Learner) students. Thus, teaching core concepts to apply new skills becomes the ultimate goal for instructors.
Content Knowledge Each year students must learn new concepts …show more content…

Instead, EL students benefit in learning new content knowledge when an instructor methodically produces a lesson with a systematic I do you do approach; while purposely adding visuals whenever possible. Modeling content knowledge can be accomplished when the instructor writes the objective or provides an outline of what the lesson entails in student friendly vocabulary for each lesson where students can visually see. Next, the instructor should discuss what the end goal of the lesson is through hand gestures and changing the speed and tone of the voice to elaborate key concepts. Additionally, teachers should provide visual vocabulary whenever possible. Playing videos, word walls, or showing pictures of key vocabulary in a lesson will help students who struggle with differences in language grasp what is being asked of them more clearly. Lastly, instructor should show examples of projects and essays for reference. This will allow EL students to visualize the end product; allowing them to organize their ideas and …show more content…

If the instructor ensures that proper measures have been implemented in teaching core standards and content knowledge, EL students will be able to transfer their general knowledge of concepts to new skills and subjects. Comprehending key vocabulary and formulas undoubtedly allows transfer to grander more complex information and production. Transfer occurs when students have been given the proper tools and adequate practice to be able to take these skills and use them in different learning circumstances. Without content knowledge, transfer cannot take

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