Math Pedagogical Knowledge Essay

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Exploring the effectiveness of manipulative when teaching probability given the case of rolling dice
Write a paragraph or two on what Mathematics Pedagogical Content Knowledge is. knowledge of representations of subject matter (content knowledge); (2) understanding of students’ conceptions of the subject and the learning and teaching implications that were associated with the specific subject matter; and (3) general pedagogical knowledge (or teaching strategies). To complete what he called the knowledge base for teaching, he included other elements: (4) curriculum knowledge; (5) knowledge of educational contexts; and (6) knowledge of the purposes of education
Write a paragraph or two on why it is important for mathematics teachers to have
Mathematics Pedagogical Content Knowledge.
Teacher content knowledge influences how teachers engage students with the subject matter …show more content…

From two studies in mathematics, a total of four relationships between teachers' content knowledge and student learning were examined. In three instances, a positive relationship was found, for two cohorts of elementary grades students over a three year period and for grade 3 students' learning of advanced concepts. In one instance, grade 3 students learning of basic concepts, no relationship was found. In science, a total of three relationships between teacher content knowledge and student learning were examined. In two instances, a relationship was documented between teachers' content knowledge, both correct and incorrect, and their grade 8 students' development of correct and incorrect understandings, respectively. In the third instance, high school biology teachers' knowledge of the nature of science was not found to relate to their students' learning about the nature of

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