The Importance Of Art

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When I was growing up, the arts were incorporated into my young life. From acting out characters in play, to coloring with crayons. I am not the only person who is introduced to the arts at a young age, in fact most children are shown the interesting aspects of the artistic world. The introduction of arts in a child's life can spark his or her development, and prepare his or her for a life filled with opportunities of learning and fun.
“To feel the meaning of what one is doing, and to rejoice in that meaning: to unite in one concurrent fact the enfolding of the inner life and the ordered development of material conditions – that is art.
– John Dewey
Art is defined as both “fine and the performing arts”, including drawing, painting, writing, acting, etc. In order to fully grasp the entire activity of learning, your child will have to embrace the arts, which will help them altogether develop “socially, emotionally, and physically” (Upitis i). Art is the core of the “growth of a child.” Any type of art can help them obtain new and “basic experiences”, as well as numerous skills. Particularly fine arts, assists the child through the process of communicating visually through the elements of art, such as color and shape etc (Jackman 223). This type of art is also a “sensory experience” for children. The child has to interact with materials with his or her whole body (224). The act of learning “in, about, and through the arts” sparks a meeting of the mind and body of the child, “emotionally and intellectually” (Upitis i).
In order for the child to create art, they have to use their creativity. Creativity is defined as, “the process of doing, or bringing something new and imaginative into being.” Creativity allows them to ...

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... to pay close attention to the details of objects or events. This attention to detail can help improve their ability to go further into their learning, like the next level. They “grow” abilities that will help them thoroughly understand or break down the visual arts. Abilities such as “description, interpretation, evaluation”, and the act of responding (Althouse 2).
“Through the art, children can be given opportunities to express their evolving concepts and constructed understandings about their world and their experiences.”
- Rosemary Althouse
Knowledge can come from, or includes the arts. Knowledge is obtained by the child when they figure out new actions or techniques. Children’s minds can function of higher quality and at fast-paced speed if the arts were further introduced to them. The arts also aids different types of thinking; cognitive and aesthetic.

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