The Identities Of Gogol And Nikhil

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Gogol/ Nikhil develops two separate identities as he uses the name Nikhil to isolate himself from reminders of its uniqueness and reminisce of his Bengali culture as Gogol moves throughout his college life. For example, the text states, “...he goes home every other weekend..Somewhere along the two-and-a-half hour journey, Nikhil evaporates and Gogol claims him again,” (106) . This illustrates how Gogol/ Nikhil alternates as he comes in contact with either his family or friends, where it is a way for him to safely blend in depending on the various people. In addition, his girlfriend Ruth contributes to his identity as Nikhil because it pushes him further into playing off as this persona in which “Nikhil” dedicates himself to her.

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