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Organic food vs processed foods
Organic food vs processed foods
Organic food vs processed foods
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Life truly is precious. The majority of people around the globe hope to live a happy and healthy life. Reaching these goals is what most people spend their entire life trying to achieve. There are basic needs that every person has: shelter, clothing, water, and food. In the past when individuals were able to provide for themselves and their families they were able to be content. In the present day however, there is an increasing concern about what type of food is best. Another question is, what type of food should one provide for their family? There are pros and cons to almost every situation. Eating organic food leads to a healthier lifestyle. More and more people are drawing the conclusion that eating organic food leads to a healthier lifestyle. The first benefit of eating organic food is that it avoids chemicals that are commonly found in traditional foods. Organic foods are produced using farming methods which do not involve applying pesticides or chemical fertilizers. They are not created using manufacturing solvents, chemical additives, or irradiation. Organic foods of animal origin, such as dairy products and meats, come from animals that are usually free range, or allowed to roam outdoors. Free range animals have organic foods to eat and they are not given any form of steroids as they are growing. This mean that people will not get the effects of those hormones in their food. Beef is a common food for people to consume. The cows that are free range will produce organic milk and cheese free of hormones. Free range chickens offer organic meat as well as eggs. There are different agencies who keep a close watch on places that have this type of certification. There are regular inspections that are planned as w... ... middle of paper ... ...e use of strong chemicals there is concern that organic food may carry deadly bacteria. Two deadly bacteria that becomes a concern are E. coli, and Salmonella. Prevalence of Campylobacter Jejuni in organic chicken is also a concern. C.jejuni is a micro organism that frequently contaminates raw chicken. Raw milk is also a source of this infection. This bacteria can be carried by healthy cattle and flies on farms. The benefits of eating organic produce far outweigh the concerns. Organic food leads to a healthy life, it is best for a person's overall health. There are high standards for products with the 100 % organic seal. The standards that are upheld provide many benefits for those who consume organic foods and beverages. When families purchase organic food they can be confident that they have their families best interest at heart and that their health as well.
Steven Shapin is an expert when it comes to telling people the reality of the situation. In his, article “What Are You Buying When You Buy Organic?” Shapin exposes and explains the truth behind the word organic. He explains that our view on organic is not a reality. The small farms that we picture in our heads are really just big business in disguise and these big businesses are trying to do good by supposedly not using harmful pesticides. Which are supposed to not damage the environment but in reality they are probably not making any sort of difference. Some people care about the environment, while others are buying taste when it comes to organic food but using different pesticides are going to help the taste, only freshness tastes the best.
4. Mayo Clinic Staff. "Organic Foods: Are They Safer? More Nutritious?" Mayo Clinic. 18 Dec. 2010. Web. 14 Feb. 2011. .
Eating healthy can be an effective and beneficial way to live a long a vigorous life. Certain foods are considered the key to daily nutrition that every person needs in order to completely function throughout the day. These foods that are considered “healthy”, provides individuals with vitamins, minerals, nutrients and replenishes the necessities that the body needs to stay well. On the other hand, eating healthy foods can sometimes be a long-term obligation and be somewhat expensive. In many case, organic food is considered healthy but has been found to be somewhat more expensive than regular market food. In many instances people do not consider all aspects of
Food, everybody has to eat food. In this century there are millions of different foods that can be eaten. But sometimes while Americans indulge in the luxury options of foods, I wonder if they ever really pay attention to how bad many foods are for their bodies. I think everybody should turn to organic foods to help them live healthier lives. The reason that foods are so bad for the body to consume is because foods are packed with GMO’s. GMO’s are “genetically modified organisms” which are plants or animals that have been genetically engineered with DNA from bacteria, viruses, or other plants and animals. These experimental combinations of genes from different species cannot occur in nature, naturally (“GMO Facts,”2014).
Growing organic has less of a risk than growing with hydroponics. Hydroponics can help human kinds existence on earth but as of now it is hurting humans. Hydroponics can one day be a very helpful resource but it still needs a lot of work to get to that point. Growing organic has little to no risk and also helps your health and weight. Eating healthy can help you lose weight which will increase your health! Growing organic allows you to know what goes in your body at all times. No chemicals or pesticides go into growing organic which allow you, as the consumer, to know what goes in you body at all time. Hydroponic is a new study that will improve in the future but for now we will just stick to organic. Scientist are still exploring and discovering ways to make hydroponics better and healthier for humans but as of now we should stick to organic food, But it's YOUR
With the world’s population continuing to increase, the demand for food is higher than ever. This increase in food demand also calls for more efficient ways of growing and providing the food. Two methods that are very controversial are the organic and conventional method. While many people support the organic method because of its known benefits, others feel that it is an over inflated industry that cheats consumers out of their money. But recently many studies have disproved those critics. These studies prove that Organic food is a better choice than conventional because it is better for the environment, avoids the use of chemicals, and is generally more beneficial.
Thesis: Organic food is full of nutrients and when compared to conventional food is a much better choice
Many consumers and farmers have discovered that living in an industrialized culture where the focus has become faster, bigger, and cheaper is not the best way to produce our food. Obsessed with productivity, the agriculture industry is reaping the negative consequences of creating an unsustainable environment for food production. Time and time again, the media captures stories regarding deadly bacterial contamination and dangerous pesticide contamination causing illness and death in our communities. The environment is also damaged and contaminated. This devastating trend, due to irresponsible farming practices as a result of the industrialization of the food industry, has become all too common.
As the global population continues to rise, the amount of food needed to feed the people will increase as well. Two types of agriculture systems have been the backbone for crop production for decades if not centuries: conventional and organic agriculture— both methods could not be any more different. Conventional agriculture, a method that uses synthetic chemical pesticides, technologies or additives, and practices that are unsustainable is the leading producer for our food. On the other side of spectrum, organic agriculture generally, performed in a much smaller scale, does not use synthetic chemicals and utilize methods that are environmentally sound. Most conventional
Organic food is generally not much healthier than regular fruits and such nutrition wise with a few exceptions. “Higher vitamin C concentrations were found in organic leafy vegetables, such as spinach, lettuce, and chard versus the same conventionally produced vegetables in 21 of 36 (58%) studies”( Foreman). Also mentioned is that organic and nonorganic milk is not much different as “In general, milk has the same protein, vitamin, trace mineral content, and lipids from both organically and conventionally reared cows.”( Foreman).Despite the exception, it has been stated that the exception does not have strong enough evidence that can let a statement such as “eating organic food is more beneficial than eating conventionally grown food” stand on its own and be taken seriously. Another unfortunate circumstance on organic food is the price. On average, anything organic is priced higher than non-organic food, and according to Digestive Specialists Inc., it “…costs anywhere from 20 to 100 percent more than regular produce” (Digestive Specialists). The higher price leaves any financially struggling person or family less likely to invest in organic food when there is always a cheaper option available, even if the cheaper product isn’t beneficial to their health. The reason for this, mentioned by Health Research Funding,“…Organic farmers do not use artificial fertilizers, they tend to produce smaller quantities. Their method of farming is also more labor-intensive with weed pulling and crop rotation. And then there is the issue of supply and demand – as the demand for organic produce increases, so does the price” (Health Research Funding). The quality of organic fruits, while being mostly free of pesticides and chemicals, can also have a lot less time to deteriorate compared to non-organic foods. To summarize the issue, Mayo Clinic states that, “Because organic fruits and vegetables aren 't
Organic food is food that is grown without any pesticide or fertilizers. In recent years, sales for organic foods are increasing every year. A lot of people go to supermarkets in order to buy some organic foods, because they think that organic foods are healthier than conventional foods. People purchase organic foods for different reasons such as personal health, the quality of organic foods, and taste, but the most important reason is personal health. The topic that whether organic foods have more benefits or not is very controversial for a long time. Maybe some people believe that organic foods are beneficial to human health, but some other people disagree with the viewpoint, so buying organic foods depend on people’s choices. People believe organic foods are healthier because they generally think organic foods have less pesticide and fertilizer residue, more nutritional values, and are beneficial to environment.
Firstly, consuming organic food promotes good heath as it is more nutrition dense and has less toxic pesticides then convention food, according to a research study done by The Organic Center, organic food is higher in antioxidant, vitamins and minerals. Study matched pair of both organically grown food and conventional grown and showed that organic food not only was higher in nutrition but biologically active nutrients, In another study done by reveals that dairy pro...
As we stroll the aisles of our local supermarkets we see all kinds of food products, but does it ever occur to you how fresh or natural these products maybe. Organic farming prohibits any use of artificial chemicals, growth hormones, or antibiotics in the production of its crops and livestock. Organic farming has existed for centuries, but after the industrial revolution factory farming was arising. Organic farming does not allow the use of any pesticides in its crops or livestock production, but also helps sustain a good economic flow in rural communities. Although there are many benefits of organic farming, there is a lack of credibility some farmers provide within the distribution of their products and some argue that there’s no difference
Foods that are produced organically are better for the environment, healthier for your body because they do not contain toxic chemicals, and are more cost efficient than commonly known.
Eating organic foods and changing eating habits are solutions to help people improve their health. The article called “The Pros and Cons of Organic Foods” reported that consuming organic foods helps people decrease some cancers, heart diseases, and Alzheimer's disease (Ferreira). However, organic products’ price is always high for its health benefits. If you want nutritious meals every day without thinking about your budget, you should start to plant your own garden at home, then, you can enjoy purest organic foods with the reasonable prices whenever you want. Therefore, growing your own garden helps your family eat better and lower the risks of diseases.