The Four Types of Stress

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Stress is not something to be avoided. Everyone feels stressed from time to time and it depends on people that may feel stress in different ways. Not all stress is bad but it depends on how peoples take it. The words “stress” is something all of us have experienced but it seems that there are many different definitions used by psychologist, medics, management consultants or others. Psychologists describe stress as “demands of life” which pointed out as “stressors” and stress is the cause of the worn out tissue of our body (Meenakshisundaram, 2012, p.101). Stress can be divided into four types which are eustress, acute stress, episodic acute stress and chronic stress (illustrated in Figure 1). The first type of stress is eustress which is a positive stress. Positive stress may enhance the good feelings of stressors. According to Meenakshisundaram (2012), eustress is an interesting stress and keep us more essential. Indeed, this type of stress can energize, motivate and raise stressors up in difficulties instead of improve their health. For example, events such as getting married, having a child may increase the motivation of the stressors to the pleasureable. Acute stress is the second types of stress. In contrast, acute stress can comes quickly and disappears quickly. The stressors who suffer acute stress “can either be positive (Eustress) or more distressing” (Meenakshisundaram, 2012, p.101). Normally, type of stress can be felt throughout everyone’s life such as in financial problems, the death of a loved one, academic problems and the break up of a relationship. The third, type of stress is episodic acute stress. Unlike eustress and acute stress, episodic acute stress is more severe type of acute stress. This type of stress is... ... middle of paper ... ...hat one can handle the effects of stress on one’s own, but one must seek the ways on how to prevent the effects. There are the solutions in order to combat the risk of stress by taking some time for themselves to participate in their hobby or just go off to a movie (Michael & Heather, 2010). As mentioned by Michael and Heather (2010), they also can share their matters with their friends and family they trust to talk about what is bothering them and try to make sense of it. Another important way in reducing stress is say no to extra work or responsibilities, therefore, they can taking a long, hot bath with music and candles which can be a good stress reliever. William (2004) recommends that a good nutrient which consist of whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables, protein, fish and healthy fats from nuts and seeds can play a critical role in the stress response.

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