Understanding Stress: A Personal Perspective

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What is stress really? Is it just a chemical imbalance we have when “not wanting to do something” for the first or last time or maybe even the hundredth time? Stress like how we feel when we are running late stuck in traffic behind all these hundred cars trying to go to the same place. How we feel when life happens and we get sick the day before we have to go back to school or work. What we get anxiety about because we didn't do something to our fullest effort because we were “stressed” and had no time to do what we actually wanted or didn't fulfill the picture that was set in our head. What is being stressed? Is it today or tomorrow, next week, or for a few seconds, is stressed forever or is it just life?

My stress is different from everyone else’s but I know my mom also stresses about some of the same things. Does my mom know that I stress about her money while she stresses about mine. Does …show more content…

It is worrying and caring, not knowing and wanting to know. Stress is something that we cannot hide from, even if we wanted to. There are way to cope with it and I need to start somewhere in this category to do so. Friends and family are big, a very big part of my life and maybe yours? I know that these people create happiness for me and I know that coffee makes me happy and so does my dog. We have happiness all around even when under stress. Do we take advantage of that or do we let stress take over? I want to take advantage and use my actual life to build a better one even under the stress of everyday obstacles. I get what I need to get done and put what's most important first. Make time for yourself and laugh even if it is a little fake. Stress is not going to take over my life and it wouldn't have the option to do so. Yes, stress is a part of life, and some things I will overcome and others I am trying my hardest to cope

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