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Coping with stress
Chapter 37 coping and stress
Coping with stress
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Stress is in our everyday lives. We allow things such as the way we live, school, work, family, relationships etc to stress us out. Some people deal with stress way different from others. Some may know how to cope with stress better than others. We allow stress to take a major toll over our lives when we are suppose to fight it, but a lot of people can’t do that. Stress makes you act and do things that are not like yourself. Stress is a negative word; it comes in all different shapes and forms. We may not recognize the changes in us that stress is causing right away but sooner than later we will. People that are close with you and know you very well can see the changes in you as well. I noticed when my mom was stressed because she started not to act like herself. My mom had started not to eat a lot, she distant herself from family and friends, and she always was worrying I could see it in her eyes. I had talked to my mom about what I’ve been seeing and she didn’t even know the drastic change in her until I pointed them out. My mom had gone to see a doctor about it and she started t...
Stress and the anxiety may manifest as physical changes like increased heart rate, fast breathing, stomach aches, headache, muscle tension, and constantly feeling tired etc. Learning to recognize these signs of stress and anxiety can help us to be less afraid of it.
Stress has various effects on the body, both psychological and physiological. Stress can have positive effects on the body and can be beneficial, but frequent stress will eventually cause negative effects on the body.
healthy can be difficult, it does help with stress. Exercising is an excellent way to stay healthy; although it can be dreadful at times it does relieve all of the effects of stress.
Stress is the combination of psychological, physiological, and behavioral reactions. Most people have a response to events that challenge or threaten them. Stress good and bad. Good stress is called eustress.
Despite that many don 't realize the dangers, stress is one of the most significant problems of modern times, causing serious problems on physical and mental health. Stress symptoms may be affecting a patients health, even though a doctor may not realize it. Don 't assume that an illness is to blame for that excruciating headache or your sleep deprivation. Let 's face it, everyone copes with stress. Sometimes stress is in our favor, but other times it could feel like stress is taking over. " Stress is a normal physical response your body uses to protect itself from challenges life throws at it each day"(Stress and Health: How Stress Affects Your Health) Stress affects everyone differently, so it 's important to understand what may be causing
Stress is a condition that affects both genders and all age groups. It is a condition that is inevitable to live without in our society. However, the human race has exhausted the use of stress. Originally, stress initial purpose was to actually save us from life threatening situations. For example, when an animal senses a predator or comes into contact with it. The animal triggers its stress response, allowing the animal to burst into energy and trying to get away from the predator. Once the predator the animals' stress levels for example a zebra’s stress levels go down and return to normal. However, that is sadly not the case for humans who can't seem to shut off their stress response, but only know how to trigger it. Therefore, our high
What is stress? Stress is state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. Stress can from depression, work, and much more. One doctor says, “Stress is a silent disease.”
Stress is defined by Mark Krause (Krause & Corts, 2012) as, “a psychological and physiological reaction that occurs when perceived demands exceed existing resources to meet those demands.” This refers to stressors, any event that happens to us can be stressors, but so can our response to the events. There is stress that is more of a one-time event called acute stress which would be like giving a speech in front of the class. Then there is also chronic stress which results from continual exposure to situations that lead to the release of stress hormones. Chronic stress can result in wear and tear on your mind and body. An example of chronic stress events would be financial problems and constant response to these events would have an effect on
One must watch out for signs like depression, lack of sleep, and compulsive disorders that may be signs of an overload of stress on the body. Spotting these damages can be fairly easy as they come with many signs that are caused by stress. Physically the body can give off many signs which can be associated to other health issues so one may not notice associate these signs directly to stress. Some of the physical signs caused by stress are dizziness, sweaty palms, lack of sexual desire, weight gain or loss, difficulty sleeping, headaches and indigestion just to name a few
Stress is not something to be avoided. Everyone feels stressed from time to time and it depends on people that may feel stress in different ways. Not all stress is bad but it depends on how peoples take it. The words “stress” is something all of us have experienced but it seems that there are many different definitions used by psychologist, medics, management consultants or others. Psychologists describe stress as “demands of life” which pointed out as “stressors” and stress is the cause of the worn out tissue of our body (Meenakshisundaram, 2012, p.101). Stress can be divided into four types which are eustress, acute stress, episodic acute stress and chronic stress (illustrated in Figure 1).
“A state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances.” https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/stress
Stress is the combination of psychological, physiological, and behavioral reactions that people have in response to events that threaten or challenge them. Stress can be good or bad. Sometimes, stress is helpful, providing people with the extra energy or alertness they need. Stress could give a runner the edge he or she needs to persevere in a marathon, for example. This good kind of stress is called eustress. Unfortunately, stress is often not helpful and can even be harmful when not managed effectively. Stress could make a salesperson buckle under the pressure while trying to make a sales pitch at an important business meeting, for example. Moreover, stress can increase the risk of developing health problems, such as cardiovascular disease and anxiety disorders. This bad kind of stress is called distress, the kind of stress that people usually are referring to when they use the word stress.
Stress is defined as “any circumstances that threaten or are perceived to threaten one’s well-being and thereby tax one’s coping abilities” (Weiten & Lloyd, 2006, p. 72). Stress is a natural event that exists literally in all areas of one’s life. It can be embedded in the environment, culture, or perception of an event or idea. Stress is a constant burden, and can be detrimental to one’s physical and mental health. However stress can also provide beneficial effects; it can satisfy one’s need for stimulation and challenge, promote personal growth, and can provide an individual with the tools to cope with, and be less affected by tomorrow’s stress (Weiten & Lloyd, 2006, p. 93).
Some causes of stress can be life changes, work, financial problems, relationship difficulties, and family.
First, stress is defined as an unpleasant state of emotional and physiological arousal that people experience in situations that they perceive as dangerous or threatening to their well being (Patel, 14). Stress is a universal feeling to everyone but the word stress means different things to different people. Some people define stress as events or situations that cause them to feel tension, pressure or negative emotions such as anxiety or anger (Patel, 15). Other people may view stress as a process involving a person’s interpretation and response to a threatening event. In any case, stress has many facets of how one perceives and responds to the certain predicament that is ailing them.