Theories Of Stress And Coping

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Theories of Stress and Coping The phenomenon of stress is presented in our lives more and more strongly. In the media, on the internet or at the doctor, we hear about it constantly. But what exactly is this phenomenon? “A large number of studies during the past several decades have explored relationships among environmental stimuli, psychological processes and organismic responses. Those studies that have investigated the various ways in which environmental changes or the perceived threat of such changes lead organisms to make specific adaptive responses are often subsumed under the rubric of stress research.”( Field, Mccabe, Schneiderman, 1985). Stress has been viewed as a stimulus or response. It can be viewed as a stimulus when it arises from catastrophic event (tornadoes and earthquakes), major life events (getting married, moving) or chronic circumstances (living in disturbing environment). Hans Selye “assumed that critical life events, regardless of their specific (e.g., positive or negative) quality, stimulate change that produces challenge to the organism.“(H.W.Khrone, 2002). Stress can be seen as a response when somebody answers to a particular situation. Two types of response can be: physiological or psychological. Stress also can have an input on our social life. A research (Irwin G. Sarason, 1981) about whether people need support in stressful situation or not shows that people need to have others beside them to overcome their problems more effectively most of the time. We need companionship, but if stress produces anger undesired situations may occur. If we stay in this state for too long it can cause physical or mental harm. In stressful state we do not care about what is deleterious or not for us. We exercise le... ... middle of paper ... ...gain an effective, useful method to control stress while it is good for the researchers as well. It opens new areas and opportunities to do experiments and test. Stimulated to explore new options. “Stress has become such an ingrained part of our vocabulary and daily existence, that it is difficult to believe that our current use of the term originated only a little more than 50 years ago….” (Paul J. Rosch, M.D.) The research of stress is a really young area of psychology. They find out new thing about it every day along with the development of technology. We experience stress almost every day, we live with it, but it also can be seen on us. The influence of stress is too effective and big to ignore it. If we pay attention to it we can avoid those mentioned above. In the fast-paced world we should be careful about our lifestyle and care about what and how we do.

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