Effects of Stress

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People deal with stress in their lives daily. Temporary and moderate stress can help to remind people of the seriousness of certain situations and push them to work hard. This stress is also very rewarding due to the relief that follows when the important task is completed. On the other hand, constant and excessive stress can have many negative effects in a person’s bodily and mental health.
To begin with, stress is how the brain reacts to any situation that requires action. Small amounts of stress function to help a person or animal survive. “All vertebrates respond to stressful situations by releasing hormones, such as adrenalin and glucocorticoids, which instantaneously increase the animal's heart rate and energy level” (Shwartz). Stress makes adjustments to the body in order to quicken reaction time and awareness. Stress can easily be caused by traumatic events or vast changes in one’s life. However, it can also occur due to an accumulation of routine demands. Dealing with everyday burdens can overwhelm a person’s mind and limit their ability to cope and meet daily requirements. This in turn leads to a weakened immune system and health problems that can differ greatly within people. (Fact Sheet on Stress) Most often, the greatest difference between helpful and harmful stress is where the stress factor originates from. Physical stressors usually demand immediate attention and are over once the task or threat is absent. Conversely, psychological stressors activate hormone release over a great period of time without a clear time for the brain to recognize that the threat is no longer present.
In addition, stress can affect the entire body and can create multiple symptoms. For example, stress can heavily strain the body’s muscl...

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... having a lower standing.
Altogether, stress can have many effects on the body and mind’s health and it can have many causes itself as well. Stress can behavioral and internal changes that either help or hinder how a person reacts to a situation. Anyone can be susceptible to stress, however people in lower classes tend to be more disposed to stress.

Works Cited

Clay, Rebecca A. "Wealth Secures Health." Http://www.apa.org. American Psychological Association, Oct. 2001. Web. 01 Apr. 2014.
"Fact Sheet on Stress." NIMH RSS. NIMH Publications, n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2014.
HeartMath. How Stress Affects the Body. Digital image. HeartMath LLC, 2010. Web. 22 Mar. 2014. .
Shwartz, Mark. "News." Robert Sapolsky Discusses Physiological Effects of Stress. Stanford University, 7 Mar. 2007. Web. 30 Mar. 2014.

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