The Effects of Demonstrative Communication

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There are several ways to communicate in the world today. The one way that I really want to look at is the demonstrative communication. This is one type of communication that we all do and have done, but I do not think that people realize just how many aspects there are to demonstrative communication. Demonstrative communication is nonverbal and unwritten communications that involve such aspects of facial expressions, tone of voice and body language. When you think of communication, you automatically think of someone having a verbal conversation with another person, but that is not always the case. Communication like demonstrative is nonverbal and unwritten; it is all in the way of your personality without spoken word. It could be the clothes you wear, or your shoes, your hair. These are nonverbal and unwritten communications, even though you do not think of it as communication. Next with this type of communication would be facial expressions, when you are with someone, the faces they make can tell you a lot about what they are thinking and wanting to actually say as well as their reactions to things. An example of this would be the facial expression and a woman that is being proposed to, she looks happy, surprised, and excited. All of these are messages that are read on her face, she does not need to say them you are able to just see it. Then there is tone of voice, which is kind of a weird one when it comes to a type of communication that is nonverbal, but tone of voice is present in demonstrative communication. Your tone of voice goes along with your facial expressions, you can see something, hear something, read something, and never speak a word, but your tone of voice can be heard in the actions that you do in regards to the ... ... middle of paper ... ... coming untrue, next time you are with someone make an effort to read or “listen” their facial expression, body language and tone of voice and then see how you react, as known as “responding” to them. Demonstrative communication is a wonderful type of communication. It really does tell you a lot about people. I know that I like reading, “listening” to people. Demonstrative communication involves a lot of different aspects, that I believe a lot of people do not even realize it is a type or form of communication. Demonstrative communication is facial expressions, body language and tone of voice. It is nonverbal and unwritten, but can still convey a very important message, effectively and ineffectively. Overall, this type of communication is something that we all do and have done and it will continue, whether we mean to do it or not. Works Cited

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