Why Do Actions Speak Louder Than Words

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We like to think that when we talk to others, that it is our words that convey the message to our audience, but what if I told you there was more to it than that? When people stop and listen to us, they not only listen - they are watching our body language - and sometimes our body language is telling a totally different story to what our words are saying!

It is a known fact that actions speak louder than words. You may say that you are keen as mustard to have that job and you tell the interviewer that you are confidant and reliable. Your resume may even back you up. But if you fidget with your hair, can't look them in the eye, and sit bolt upright with your arms tightly crossed - you are indicating that you are nervous, anxious and defensive. …show more content…

If your clothes are rumpled in any old colour and combination, it says that you don't really care or respect yourself. That's fine if that is what you feel and if it is how you want to live. But if you want to get ahead in life, take the time to make sure your body language matches your words.

Tips to create a cool confidant image when meeting and greeting new people is to walk in to the meeting in a friendly confidant way, make eye contact and give a firm but not bone crunching handshake. Keep the limp fish handshake for a relative you don't like and want to annoy. Don't talk like a speeding train, and take a breath - let the other person get in a few words. Smile when appropriate, and keep movements to a minimum...don't fuss and fidget.

Don't tug your ears, fiddle with your cuff links, cross and uncross your legs, or fluff your hair- it can be distracting and indicates that you are uncomfortable. Even in this modern so called enlightened age, women who smile too much at a male colleague, flick their hair, and fiddle with the stem of a wine glass are indicating through body language that they are interested and available. No it's not fair, but that's life. So watch what your body says if you want to avoid being hit on by Mr

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