Demonstrative Communication: What We Do and Say

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Demonstrative communication is defined as a type of communication that observes nonverbal cues. Some examples of nonverbal cues are tone of voice, facial expressions and body language. Many people feel that these are not tell signs of communication but could not be any further from the truth. Communication is in everything that we do and say. Your tone of voice can tell someone if you are happy, sad, angry and even nervous. Think on a time when you were a child and you knew by the tone of your mother’s voice when she called you if you were in trouble or if your secret was kept a day longer. Facial expressions can be a tell sign on if you are listening, or angry, happy, irritated and it can tell if there is something you are confused about or if you are comprehending what you are reading or hearing. Body language can tell if you are comfortable, scared, tired, excited, intimidated or defensive to name a few. Some people even say that your body language can give away if you are lying or not. The way you communicate not only affects you but also affects the person or people you are dea...

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