The Effects of Aromatherapy on Teenage Anxiety and Depression

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Teenagers stress. Academics, relationships, and home lives play a huge part in stress–and often depression–in adolescents. While only “30 percent of students were at risk of suicide”, there is an estimated “60 to 70 percent of teenagers are affected negatively by stress” (Boyce 1)(Barrows 1). Every person copes with stress differently, some better than others. While some teenagers turn to religion, others regrettably turn to illegal substances such as marijuana, cigarettes, alcohol, and some even misuse stimulants. Aromatherapy, in contrast, can be used frequently (though in moderation) without noted side effects.

Aromatherapy, as defined by Wikipedia, is “a form of alternative medicine that uses volatile plant materials, known as essential oils, and other compounds for the purpose of altering a person’s mind, mood, cognitive function, or health” (1). Although many people are unaware, aromatherapy is often used in many everyday products such as candles and soaps. The scents used in these same products can also be used to treat stress and depression. The aromas inhaled through the nose are absorbed and sent to the limbic system–the part of the brain that controls hormones and stress levels. These scents do not have to simply be inhaled from the bottle or via diffusers, however; they can additionally be used to make more topical applications, such as shampoos, lotions, compresses, bath salts, etc. The oils that are inhaled stimulate emotions, whether calm or energetic, happy or mellow. For treating stress or depression, the feelings strived for would be happy and calm, therefore the appropriate oil(s) would be used in the preferred type of application.

As many doctors attempt to refute it, aromatherapy is a very controversial f...

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Peterson, Karen S. "Three Factors Threaten Teens." USA Today. Web. 26 Feb. 2012. .

Schlundt, David. "Aromatherapy and Stress Reduction." Psychology Department. Vanderbilt College. Web. 26 Feb. 2012. .

University of Michigan Health System. "Stress May Lead Students To Use Stimulants." ScienceDaily, 7 Apr. 2008. Web. 26 Feb. 2012.

Walker, Joyce. "Teens in Distress Series Adolescent Stress and Depression." Adolescent Stress and Depression. University of Minnesota, 2005. Web. 26 Feb. 2012. .

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