The Effectiveness of Dr Pepper Advertisements

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The Effectiveness of Dr Pepper Advertisements

Advertising appears in every part of our lives. What ever we see or do

in a day involves advertisement. For example, buying a drink, waiting

at the bus stop, or walking past a shop window. All have some sort of

advertisements displayed.

Advertising is a very productive and successful business. Advertising

drives the majority of products we buy, and no matter what we do, we

cannot escape it. We see advertising all over the place, for example:

in magazines, on TV commercials, on billboards, at bus stops, on the

radio, in shop windows, and sometimes advertising of a product on

other products. Some advertising, especially on TV commercials, show

intensive advertising so that you will see the product over and over

again, until you are fed up of seeing it. Yet somehow, we still seem

to buy that product.

Any products, for instance, the product in this essay, Dr Pepper,

advertise to a certain target audience. In these Dr Pepper

advertisements, they have used a sexual theme, targeted at teenage


Advertising uses persuasive language to make you buy their product.

They go to great lengths and detail, with the small piece of writing,

or speech, which depends on making you buy their product. A feature of

persuasive language is the use of double meanings. These are meant as

jokes within the persuasive language to keep you reading on, to hear

the next joke. This now gives the advertiser an advantage, so they can

insert the facts and figures.

Advertisers also use emotive writing for advertisements, such as

charities. The emotive writing makes you emotional towards the advert,


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...on the go, or

have two cans of Dr Pepper on the go.

In both of these two adverts the advertisers have made the text

interesting, funny and persuasive. They have made the target audience

think that with Dr Pepper, no matter how inadequate they are they can

get any girl they want.

By looking at these two advertisements, it shows that advertisers have

a special way of fitting things in. It showed that they concentrate on

every last detail to keep the interest of the reader, and that they

will add an horrendous amount of double meanings just to drag you

closer to the point.

Dr Pepper. To try it is to love it!

The techniques used by Dr Pepper seem to be very successful. The

advertisers have picked on the conscience of teenage boys in depth,

and made their product the solution to girls and their sex problems.

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