The Culture within Starbucks: A Reflection of Human Interaction

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Introduction Coffeehouses, and more specifically Starbucks, have increasingly become an essential part of many people’s daily life. So I was interested in how the culture within Starbucks is a reflection of natural human interaction. I chose to observe the environment and interaction of people within a suburban neighborhood Starbucks for one hour. Methodology Most ethnography is done using inductive methodology, also known as grounded theory, meaning that the theory will arise out of the collected data. I did not go in to the Starbucks with the mindset of testing a hypothesis. During my research, I utilized full field notes because it is common practice for people to work on their laptops in a coffeehouse. One might even argue that it is unusual to see someone without a tablet or laptop or other electronic device. The environment of Starbucks is such that it allowed me to utilize full immersion techniques including the research role of a complete participant. By taking on the role of a complete participant I kept my identity covert but I participated fully in what is the normal behavior of visitors of coffeehouses. In this situation I don’t really think there were ethical issues involved in being a complete participant, because I was not in the setting for more than an hour and I did not hold an extensive interviews. I also think that if I had disclosed my identity of a researcher, then I would be risking the Hawthorne Effect, in that the customers present would act differently than normal because they knew I was observing them. Additionally, often times we conduct informal research, because we analyze our surroundings and those within that surrounding, so it does not raise ethical concerns when I am just conducting formal ... ... middle of paper ... ... increase • there is a guy sitting at a table next to Joe (lets call him Mike) • Mike does not seem like the typical Starbucks goer; he was wearing only a sweatshirt and slightly sagging pants with a long ponytail • reminded me of a bum • Mike is telling Joe of a time when his car skid on ice • Jim actually has headphones in that i couldn't see at first glance • now is he talking to someone (using the headphones) about the weather • one of the girls behind the counter is wearing a santa hat o why is it that she is the only one working that is wearing a santa hat? • as weather is becoming worse outside, increasing amount of people are leaving, and those that have not left yet are increasingly comfortable talking to strangers about the weather o seems like as soon as people realize they share a commonality, they are much more receptive to socializing in a public area

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