The Cons Of Interpersonal Relationships

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Relationships, proximity and trust and adhesion play a major part in relationships, relationship communication is paramount and positive; it gives individuals a psychological and gregarious magnification within their relationship. In our society and generation, people in relationships or marriage desire openness, acceptance, stability, physical contact, emotional support and love. These are the feelings and traits that we as human crave and long for, people strive and plan for these types of interpersonal relationships in order to consummate the void. This is the way that people live and to make sense of life through trust, sharing and caring. As people, we sometimes pride ourselves in finding more incipient and profound ways to communicate with our partners or consequential other. Insisting on the symbolic and logical way to communicate with one another by verbal communication; in this paper I will discuss interpersonal interactions about couples, the trepidation of conflict (addressing the quandary), trepidation of be being frank or mordant, preconceived notions about love, verbal and nonverbal communication and language barriers between couples.
Dear Jennifer, In most relationships there is satisfaction that involves effective …show more content…

These pros can relieve stress and give the other person deeper insight of another. Some cons are burdening another person with your secrets so that he or she might worry about it, feel responsible for doing something, or identify with your pain, Increasing your feelings of vulnerability or feeling that you have given away too much of yourself and Giving the other person power over you and being in danger of the other person’s using that information against you. (Bevan,

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