Postmodernism's Effect on Marriage and Family

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Postmodernism first appeared around the 1980’s, following a hectic and messy period of time. The postmodernist theory that defines a new era describing the world as society is fragmenting, while authority is de-centering, and real truth does not exist; there are only representations of it. Believers of the postmodernist theory, believe that postmodernism is a mixture of present, past, and future, more specifically, the cultural and spatial elements of these different times (Lemert, 2010). The postmodern age is considered the information age, or even, the technological age. Both of these are evident through the changes that have occurred within the typical marriage and family. One of the main emphases of postmodernism is that no real truth exists, demonstrating the grand narrative. The grand narrative states that the “truth” is invented for the sole purpose of selling things. This is clearly shown, in a different manner, in marriages and families in today’s society. No real truth being in existence creates change in the typical marriage and family.
Marriage and family life has been changing over the past few decades. Not only has the idea of family and marriage changed, but the way marriage and family are perceived has changed. With the transition from modern times to postmodern times, the typical life has developed in to more of an isolated society, than ever before. The concept of unity and close ties has become almost nonexistent, with the development and progression of technology. Communication has become less personal and less intimate, eliminating the idea of creativity. With the elimination of creativity, because of the development of less personal communication, the chances of meeting someone has become less personal and mo...

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