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Essay of cruelty in animals
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Animal cruelty encompasses a range of different behaviors harmful to animals,
from neglect to malicious, brutal killings. Studies show that animal cruelty may lead to
more serious forms of crime, like heavy drug use, violent outbursts, and most common,
cold blooded murder. Many studies in psychology, sociology, and criminology during the
last twenty-five years have demonstrated that violent offenders frequently have childhood
and adolescent histories of serious and repeated animal cruelty. A web page that goes by
the name Animal Alliance says “most cruelty investigated by humane officers, is
unintentional neglect, and can be resolved through education.” (3) I was slightly shocked
when I saw this comment. Anyone who puts an animals’ life in their hands, has a
responsibility to it. You don’t just forget to feed him/her, or forget to show them love
unless it is intentional, it get so much worse, though. These people aren’t just forgetting
to feed their pets, or give them attention, they’re kicking and beating them, poisoning and
butchering these poor creatures, and what makes me sick to my stomach, is that some of
these people do it for fun!! I recently ran across a link to a web page that contained a
online petition to put a cat’s killers to justice with maximum sentence. This is the article I
found on this brutal torture of an innocent creature.
***WARNING*** (graphic details)
“On October 10, 1999, a beautiful female cat came willingly to the four boys who
stopped on the side of the road and called to her. Her trust was rewarded by unthinkable
terror and cruelty - being used as a tug-of-war toy until the boys heard something "pop",
having her legs broken, being jumped up and down on like a trampoline. Even when her
pitiful battered body was mercifully dead, her suffering was not at an end. The boys then
placed her ravaged body under the wheel of their car, braking over her, as they drove off
to find other amusement. Once the Chesapeake Animal Control conducted their
investigation and performed a necropsy, criminal charges were filed against 3 of the 4
boys involved. If these charges are found to be accurate, these boys are not only in
violation of the laws of the State of Virginia, but are also in need of immediate
psychiatric intervention.” (1)***
Another horrific article I ran across was even worse. It was about a dog ...
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...ignore what we think of as childish exploration. Our
children learn the most important aspects of life young and if they’re not aware of what is
right and wrong, it could possibly lead to more dangerous attempts. As a society, we can
not tolerate cruelty towards animals. People inclined to inflict pain and torture upon
animals have a predisposition to violence against both animals and humans. “A 1997
study by the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (MSPCA)
reports that youngsters convicted of animal abuse are five times more likely to commit
violence against other humans than are their peers, four times more likely to be involved
in acts against property, and three times more likely to be drug offenders.” (2)
1. No More Cruelty- http://www.geocities.com/animalabusealert/index.html
a) Cat Killers
b) Scruffy
2. Colorado High School Gunmen Linked To Animal Cruelty (web article)
3. Animal Alliance-http://animalalliance.ca/factsheets/humviol.py
4. Animal Victims/Human Victims: Reports from Police Case Files-
“Mom! Mom! The dogs got Cody. The dogs got Cody” (Vancouver Sun, 2007). Just a few days after Christmas in 2004, these are the cries that awoke Sheri Fontaine. Fontaine raced from her bed into the living room to find her three-year old son, Cody Fontaine, savaged by the dogs that were staying temporarily in her house. Tragically, young Cody did not survive the attack. A young life taken, a mother’s life ruined. Sadly, this story is not as uncommon as one of violence against people, they exhibit highly stubborn characteristics that make them difficult to control, and such bans have proven to be extremely effective.
The article is about a four years old boy who was starved to death by his mother and was left in his cot for two years. She was found accountable for killing him and was given 12 years for killing him and three years for child cruelty, as shown in the (Pidd,2013) newspaper article. A key point is how a child can be treated in an awful way, especially by his mother. As Paul Greaney says “How can a child starve to death in 21st century England?” (Pidd, 2013)
It can be a crucial moment in parents effort to improve their child’s life. The effect of a parent can shape a child 's mind to benefit them or cause massive chaos. “We time as moving forward and hope that by our efforts this motion is toward improvement”(Our Secret 234). Neither Laura’s and Heinrich parents did that. Instead of that, they have done the opposite. Even though Laura did not suffer from the same problems as Heinrich. She had to deal with all the secret from her parents, cause some identity problems for her at that young of an age. It said that children start actually learning at a young age. They start to learn from their
Robert Gonzales is only one of many people to commit animal cruelty. Kevin Brunson was also accused of harming an animal. He starved his dog, Rambo, until he weighed only fifty-one pounds. A normal dog his size would weigh around one hundred and twenty-five pounds. Rambo was seventy-four pounds underweight. A dog named, Lacey had scabbing around the eyes and other injuries from being abused. “Lashawn Whitehead of Greensboro, admitted to police that she beat her dog for fifteen minutes, then set it on fire. The dog ran away, and she was found. Her injuries were burned ears, a broken jaw, and teeth. She was adopted into a new loving family.” (Cawthon 2) All animals are affected when it comes to animal abuse. Horses have been reported to be starved and in very poor living conditions. Owners don’t clean stalls, feed the animals, or take care of the horses grooming needs. The horses become depressed to due to the lack of care they receive. Sixteen horses were found at Gina Rapuano’s Farm, Apache, Willy, and Destiny are merely three of the horses greatly in need of care. Apache was starved so much you could see his ribs; he was infested with worms, and needed hoof and dental care. Willy had trouble walking, and horrible eye infections. Destiny had such bad dental care that he could not eat properly, and was starving. “The horses eyes were dull; they were not alert. They t...
A healthy introduction into life and the world is crucial to the beginning foundation of the cognitive structure of an infant. For a child the early relationships it builds with its caregivers will determine how the child will perceive and adapt to the world. For example, if a child 's needs are neglected the child may see the world as a cold, anxious and untrustful place, possibly resulting in an adult who may develop social and relationship problems as well as depression. An infancy with parents who are loving and encouraging will help the child feel confident in oneself to be able to speak up for their needs because they believe their needs are important and deserve to be
Animal abuse is currently happening everywhere in this world, and this can only stop if everyone acknowledges and stands up for what is right. However, the cause of animal abuse can lead to so many questions asked in our society through the secondary data analysis that the questions will then be answered. In fact, conflict theory will be the one applied to the abuse of animals. Lastly, a hypothetical mean of collecting primary data on animal abuse can then be answered. To put it briefly, this research paper is focusing on why family professionals can no longer ignore violence towards animals, the feminism and treatment of animals, and animal liberation and rights, to examine the causes that lead to animal abuse when animal abuse is being announced.
They start out as proper civilized children, but in order to survive, they must hunt for food and defend themselves from “the beast.” Their constant hunting creates a thirst for blood, illustrated in their chant, “‘Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood’” (Golding 69). As they stay on the island, the boys become even more violent and civility is all but forgotten, eventually unknowingly killing one of their own as they “surged after [him], poured down the rock, leapt on to [what they thought was] the beast, screamed, struck, bit, tore” (153). Even the most civilized of the group joins the rest in their viciousness when, “Ralph too was fighting to get near, to get a handful of that brown, vulnerable flesh. The desire to squeeze and hurt was over-mastering” (114-115). The boys’ degeneration into barbarity demonstrates how their environment causes changes in their previously-established thoughts and actions as they adapt (and go too far in doing so) to their wild surroundings. Similarly but in a more positive direction, the time I spend surrounded by gregarious individuals in Youth and Government has made me more outgoing than before. The change of a group as a whole toward similar ideals and characteristics exemplifies the power peers have over each other. In response to both their surrounding environment and people, humans are able to change
“There can be many reason for animal cruelty, like any other form of violence, is often committed by a person who feels powerless, unnoticed, or under control of others. Some who are cruel to animals copy acts what they have seen or that have been done to them, others see harming an animal as a safe way to get revenge against--or threaten-- someone who cares about that animal”. (“Animal… Statistics”) Concerns towards abusing animals have gone up in the past. Although there are not many cases on animal abuse, many have occurred. Abusers are charged with Criminal Animal Abuse and then sentenced to life in prison. Some animals that are physically abused are sometimes rescued by Animal Control, and are taken it to an animal shelter. However, many shelters have not had the space to keep the animals so the workers would have to put them down (Carol Roach). Researchers have shown that the main animals getting abused are dogs, chickens, horses, and livestock (“Animal...
It is difficult to believe how some humans are capable of inflicting pain to animals just to satisfy their lowest instincts or for money. The way people treat animals all over the world may differ from one place to another, but, in general, more people are standing up for animal rights in hopes that one day animal cruelty will be no more. However, this is not a perfect world, and animals, domesticated and wild, are abused and beaten every single day. For example, dog fighting which is described as “The act of baiting two dogs against one another for entertainment or gain” (Yilmaz, Coskun, and Ertugrul). It is just a horrific and devastating experience that no dog should ever have to go through, “animals have been and continued to be used for
Every day in the United States animals are beaten, neglected, or forced to struggle for survival. Animals are left behind without anybody to care for these poor animals; they’re left with no food or water and left with no hope of survival. Some animals get lucky and get rescued giving them the chance to be loved again from others and showing them that they are people out there that do care; but in some cases some animals aren’t as lucky. Some are killed, or some die because of their unsanitary conditions every day. Animals do not deserve this kind of life style were they are abused and neglected they should feel safe and love and for this reason is why people should stop animal cruelty. Animal cruelty makes animals suffer when hurt; cause owners to abandoned there animals and left homeless and also causes some animals to be put into dangerous situations.
Executive Summary Every 60 seconds, an animal is abused. Dogs, cats, horses, and many other types of animals are being neglected and tortured everyday, yet resulting in few and minor consequences for the perpetrators. Animal abuse is prevalent in the United States and has been an ongoing issue since the 1970's, and prior to. Society as a whole has chosen to avoid the facts and arguments about animal cruelty, because to some it is seen as acceptable and typical. It becomes much more frowned upon when people actually see the results of the cruelty, especially in the media.
I am going to compare animal abuse to domestic violence. Animal abuse is very similar to domestic violence. Animal abuse is when you are inflicting physical pain and suffering or death upon an animal. Domestic violence is when violent or aggressive behavior is in the home of others, typically a spouse or partner. One difference with domestic violence is when you are abused as a child, it can be possible to grow up as abusive. When you don't have a spouse or partner and you have an animal, you can possibly take it out on the animal or pet. Some people may take it out on their pet and don’t realize what they are doing is wrong. People who abuse animals are most likely to harm an animal as well. People who are abusing the animal think they can
I will discuss each one in more detail. Many people who abuse animals do not realize that they are actually hurting animals, this is known as unintentional. When some people try to discipline their pets, they use tactics that they think are acceptable, when in reality, this is probably not the best way. People also abuse animals due to lack of attention, such as forgetting to feed and water the animals for a number of days. A family may take the animals with them when they leave the house, and forget to leave a window down with the animal inside.
Animals have always been a key part of my life. Whether it was my personal involvement with them, or my mother and father had brought in another stray that they found in our city of San Bernardino. I had always seen animals, dogs especially, and just viewed them as cute and nothing more. However, as I got older, I began to see that people did not care about their animals or treat them as kindly as I treated mine. I learned about people who use dogs, mostly pitbull's, to fight and gain monetary status from it. I learned about the awful dog meat festival that takes place in China. I learned about the torture and emotional abuse an animal goes through at a slaughterhouse. It all sickened me.
Animal rights are the privileges for all animals to live freely from any harm. There were