Animal Abuse Research Paper

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Animals have always been a key part of my life. Whether it was my personal involvement with them, or my mother and father had brought in another stray that they found in our city of San Bernardino. I had always seen animals, dogs especially, and just viewed them as cute and nothing more. However, as I got older, I began to see that people did not care about their animals or treat them as kindly as I treated mine. I learned about people who use dogs, mostly pitbull's, to fight and gain monetary status from it. I learned about the awful dog meat festival that takes place in China. I learned about the torture and emotional abuse an animal goes through at a slaughterhouse. It all sickened me. When I was fifteen and in my sophomore year of high school, my immediate family which includes my mother, my sister and I decided to start our own dog rescue called, PetEmber. I have been raised in San Bernardino all of my life and I have been exposed to dogs just being dumped because they lost their youthful appearance, dogs that have been severely neglected. I have mostly seen an overpopulation of dogs due to the fact that their owners do not see the importance in spaying in neutering their animals. I feel that education is the most important thing in showing people the importance of caring for their animal. …show more content…

I, however, had a very key role and I enjoyed every minute of it and still do now. I take care of the dogs that we foster at our house, which includes feeding them, letting them out to use the restroom and playing with them too! We have had a total of more than one-hundred dog adoptions that we have been responsible for! Many of them were dogs that most people would deem unadoptable. We have adopted out older dogs, chihuahuas, dogs that have physical handicaps and so

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