Benefits Of Exercising Essay

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There are so many benefits to exercising. The great thing about exercising is it doesn’t have to be some drastic or outrageous burden. Exercising just a few hours a week could change a person’s whole lifestyle. Whether it be to control weight, build muscles, sleep better, or just stay healthy, exercise can be beneficial to everyone. For some people, exercise is incorporated to help lose weight. While it is very helpful in doing so, exercising is also able to help maintain a desired weight. Depending on how strict one is will determine how successful they are in losing weight and keeping that weight off. The more intense the activities are, the more calories are burned. The important part of this to remember is consistency (Armstrong, 2016, p 1). Working out for six hours one day a year is not going to produce much of a result compared to working out an hour a day three times a week. A smart thing to do is establish a regular routine and keep oneself committed to following it. It is also vital to restore your body’s energy by eating after exercising. Not only is exercise a great way to lose or control weight, it also provides many defenses against certain diseases and literally helps the body last longer. Exercising can reduce the risk of Type II diabetes …show more content…

A study in Colorado showed that exercise may be able to prevent or even reverse the damaging effects of heavy drinking. While high alcohol consumption kills brain cells, exercise can help reduce the damage to the brain’s white matter. This does not mean that exercising makes up for being a raging alcoholic. It just means there might still be a better future for for heavy drinkers. Also, given the fact that exercising can help break an addiction, a person may even be able to get drinking under control. It can also help reduce teen smoking. Exercising can act as all sorts of an outlet (Regal, 2017, p

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