Thank You For Arguing Summary Essay

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In the second section of the book, Heinrichs gives the rundown on how to defend oneself from enticing situations. The author warns the reader to beware of fallacies, and helps us identify trustworthiness in someone’s rhetoric. In Webster’s New World Dictionary, fallacy is defined as “a false or mistaken idea, an error in reasoning; flaw or defect in argument.” There are many fallacies, including; bad proof, hasty generalization, ignorance, tautology, false dilemma, and complex cause. Bad proof is really easy to notice in an argument because bad proof is an unacceptable or bad example. False analogy is a comparison between two things that don’t quite make sense together. Within Thank You for Arguing, the author foreshadows how successful businessmen …show more content…

Hasty generalization can lead to superstitions, for instance, a competitive runner wears his new socks to an important race and wins. Later in the month, the same runner races without his new socks and loses the race. The runner is inclined to believe that wearing his “lucky” socks leads to victory. There are too few trials to prove that the socks help win races. When there are few facts about a subject, the fallacy of ignorance is used to argue that something is true based on lack of evidence against it. This fallacy is also used to argue something doesn't exist based on lack of evidence for it. Atheists often claim god doesn’t exist because there are no proven facts while theists claim god does exists because there is no evidence to disprove their god/gods, both are fallacies of ignorance. Another fallacy used in arguments is tautology. When someone makes a claim and uses proof that sounds redundant to the conclusion, it is known as tautology. An anarchist may claim, “The three branches of government will take turns crashing, one after the other.” ‘Taking turns’ and ‘one after the other’ are essentially the same thing, the anarchist uses tautology to make the audience unreasonably think that the government may fall

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