Teen Activists

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How do Teen Activists Spread Awareness? Intoduction How do teen activists get support for their cause and spread awareness? The definition of awareness is knowledge or perciption of a situation or fact says dictionary.com, which is what activists try to spread. Many activists find ways to spread awarness about their cause. Some examples are starting organizations, speechs, and using social media/the internet. Many activists use even more ways of spreading awareness. Teen activists use different ways to fight for their cause. Making Organizations Or Teams One way teen activists fight is making organizations or teams. Some activists work alone but most either join one or make one. One example is Alex Lin. “My friends and I have been doing this since 5th grade. It’s became part of our lifestyle.” says Alex Lin. Team WIN has been sucsessful for passing a bill in New Hampshire banning e-waste. Alex Lin and Team WIN also created seven media centers across the world says takepart.com . An organization is a public thing that people can join so people can help against the cause. Katie Stagilano made an …show more content…

Many activists have speechs including Iqbal Moshi, Malala Yousafski, and Dylan Mahalingam. “Malala had speechs in Pakistan and many more places in the world. “When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful” says Malala. Her speechs for girls to go to schools inspired people across the world. Her inspiring speeches even starting ralleys in Pakistan” says timeforkids.com. Speeches is an effective way to spread awareness to people all over the world if it’s a teen traveling to a country or someone from another country hearing a teens speech. Iqbal said speeches in schools telling kids about child labor. One famous quote that he said from speeches is “Children should have pens in their hands, not tools” saies Iqbal. After he died, a school started a fund for Iqbal.” says

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