Technology Should Be Taught In Schools Essay

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The world is changing every day, new experiments are done and new inventions are presented to people. Right now high politicians or big organizations, like United Nations, cannot guarantee that education would stay in every country the same as it is right now and that the methods would not change; the involvement of more and more technology to achieve new goals, leaving behind the old way of achieving goals and making the students accomplish them on their own. In every school, in every country, education is valuable in different ways; some schools involve nature more and some others not so much. The thesis to discuss is how can we maintain old techniques to teach and learn new things for new generations? And how can we preserve nature and …show more content…

This in the future can make a big change in what people know is a school, a university, and college. For some people technology appliances like an IPad, a laptop or a TV, are an aid for learning faster and avoiding time looking into big books for an answer. For people technology is not an aid, it avoids contact with nature, it does everything for you and even if that is good in some aspects, students or kids can start being dependent on it and make them forget that they can do things on their own. Most schools have science or biology class, that talks about nature or topics that study the laws that surround us, like the gravity or Newton´s laws. In the case of nature, students and kids should go out and have contact with it, learning and questioning why nature is like that. With a computer you do not have to move, everything would be on the Internet, you just google it and the answer to your questions would be answered; with that you are missing the step of interacting with nature and even though google might know everything, when you can touch it and feel it with all your senses you get more answers or facts that can only be known by

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