Technology In A Classroom Setting Research

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With this paper I am striving to talk about technology in a classroom setting. I aim to talk about how technology can be positive as well as negative in the classroom. Personally, technology can bring so many creative options in the classroom but can be a set back when there is a misunderstanding in how to use it properly. Within a classroom setting, there should be a variety of learning so every student can find what suits his or her learning best. I will be making sure to cover both sides to this argument.
According to The Texas Forum of Teacher Education, written in October 2014, “The integration of technology into the classroom provides teachers with more numerous and flexible ways to share information (Campbell & Martin, 2010) and allows …show more content…

Teachers and creativity go hand in hand. On average a classroom has fifteen to twenty students and each student has a different learning ability. With this, there are many different minds to teach. I am not saying that technology is the answer to teaching the different styles of learning, but using creative ways that stray away from the traditional learning style can be very effective to students. Technology has become a bigger part of the classroom through SMART Boards. For just one example of this, classroom management can be improved through “checking in on a magnet board”; students who packed lunch can “guide their fingers to their lunch choices” and students will become more “comfortable with the touch process that is becoming so important in using Wi-Fi digital tools” (Concordia, 2013). Incorporating technology this way can help students become more proficient with technology. This can also help with getting the classroom environment ready for the school day. Another great example is how technology can be used efficiently in an elementary classroom. Younger students tend to be more active in his or her …show more content…

19). Thinking about this, schools could have had a negative connotation about using the Internet because certain funding associations would not help them; this could lead the school into thinking that the Internet needed to be protected in the first place. Nick Morrison in It’s Time To Rethink Our Use Of Technology In Schools, writes about Bob Harrison, a chairman on U.K’s Department for Education who thinks that technology should be thought about before put in a classroom. Harrison believes that, “…too much of the technology that is used in classrooms actually reinforces traditional teaching methods” (Forbes, 2014). There is a definite purpose of a classroom; creatively teaching the curriculum a teacher is given. A traditional teaching style consists of a teacher in front of the classroom, students sitting and learning, and no change in how the classroom is managed. There tends to be no creativity as well as uninterested students. Harrison has a very different definition of ‘learning’; “Learning is not about content, it is about

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