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Technology and Interpersonal Communication:
Is Technology Threatening Children?
Humans cannot survive physically or emotionally without the support of others (Adler & Proctor, 2011). From the day a person is born, the only way to communicate is nonverbally through facial expressions, and eye contact thus creating relationships with others. As humans grow, they progressively learn verbal skills to better express themselves. The technological advancements, and ease of accessibility to the Internet, Facebook, text messaging, and other social media devices, have become a critical part of life. However, with technological communication being relatively new, it would be important to analyze the positive and negative effects it could bring to children.
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It is important for children to go through this learning process, so that in the future they can communicate effectively. Scientists call interpersonal communication the interaction between two people through face-to-face contact via verbal and nonverbal communication (Adler & Proctor, 2011). The start of every human relationship is through nonverbal communication; infants master nonverbal interactions since it is their only means of communication. Universal signals such as smiles, laughter, eye contact, sour faces, and many more are nonverbal cues; these signals are essential in the beginning, as children start to communicate and bond relationships with their parents. As children grow, they will learn how to communicate verbally by listening to the people around them. Verbal development matters through the toddler years, and it is essential that parents take the time to teach children how to effectively communicate; it is during this period when children learn the most. There are four different stages of learning communication skills: beginning awareness, awkwardness, skillfulness, and integration; all of these skills come into play as children begin to interact with those around them. The word “haptics” is the scientific term for touching; this type of signal can communicate many types of messages for example, a hug can send a message of love …show more content…
A recent survey from Delen, Kaya, Ritter, & Sahin (2015) found that 81.2 percent of parents limited the time children spent on technology, 71 percent monitored their child’s browsing history, 61.3 percent of parents used a firewall to help protect them, and 54.9 percent used parental controls for monitoring. Constant monitoring has proven to be beneficial in maintaining their children from spending too many hours online, as well as safe from the harms the World Wide Web has. Although many parents are aware of the harm that technology can bring to a child, technological advancements do have many benefits. For example, children are approaching their parents more often to guide them while they search for answers in the Internet to complete their homework. With the parent’s involvement, using computer-based technology shows the child how to correctly navigate online. As stated by Finn and Kerman (2004), “training programs may also help parents and students to increase their confidence level in using Internet technology and take care of security issues with filtering software.” Even though technology has many benefits, it can harm children if their parents are not proactive in their monitoring. According to the Pew Research Center “in 2009 found that 4% of 12–17-year-olds (and 8% of 17-year-olds) who owned cell phones had sent a
Parenting has become a challenge for the 21st century modern world and with so many technological advancements parents have started relying on High-Tech gadgets to stay connected with their kids. Interest and demand of using technology by parents to monitor their kids are increasing all around the world. As pointed out in the article “More Parents Going High-Tech to Track Kids” by Martha Irvine, how technology is helping parents track their kids’ location, how fast they were driving, and what they buy or eat. Even though these devices are helpful to parents, but they may be dangerous to the kids in many ways and that's why parents should be extra careful on its use.
In Harlan Coben’s article “The Undercover Parent” (2008), the author argues that installing spyware on children's devices is necessary, and not doing so, would be irresponsible parenting. Coben develops his claim by first explaining why precautions should be taken when installing parental control software. Then he provides his reasons as to why counterarguments don't apply to the situation. The author aims to forewarn the dangers of children's online activities and propose a solution to protect them. Coben writes intensely for parents to emphasize that children with unmonitored machines become vulnerable to harm.
There is no single method to perfect parenting. As such, it is up to the parents to decide how they involve themselves in their child’s life. In his essay, “The Undercover Parent,” Harlan Coben argues why spyware might be an effective tool for parents to monitor their children; however, he does not consider all the effects of and alternatives to using spyware. Parents should not use spyware to monitor their children because everyone has a right to privacy, independence fosters growth, and there are better alternatives to using spyware.
The Neolithic Age was the time people began converting from hunter-gatherers to settling down and creating civilizations. Agriculture was a key part of this movement. As more and more people saw the benefits of settling down and producing their own food, civilizations started to form. Instead of having to track down herds of animals for food, humans could rely on the town's farmers to supply food. People started to domesticate plants such as millet, wheat, barley, and other cereals.With an overload of food, people were able to
As technology advances, parents have an even more challenging responsibility, to protect their adolescents from the criminals and pedophiles on the internet. Once on the internet, one is always in danger of being monitored by these criminals and pedophiles by the use of spyware. Spyware is a software used to log every single step someone can take while on the computer, such as a child, which could be argued as an invasion of privacy or parental responsibility. Parents have the ability to use this software so they can “monitor” their kids, but is it the right thing to do? Parental monitoring is a highly controversial topic today because of the two conflicting sides of whether spyware is a parenting tool used to keep kids and teens safe online, or a deep invasion of privacy and a violation of trust. Although there are many predators online that can physically and emotionally hurt the youth, parents should not monitor their adolescents by the use of spyware, because it is extremely harmful to their relationships and they are also harming their child by not letting
Firstly, the use of hierarchy to encourage workers to provide their community with a surplus of materials and foods that draw the attention of other communities would result in positive connections, resulting in a stronger and more tightly knit community than before. Secondly, domesticating various plants and animals would allow larger Neolithic communities to grow larger and attain a more urban society. Lastly, agricultural technologies produced during this period would be passed onto other regions either through the migration of early farmers, or through exchange, resulting in the disappearance of hunter-gatherer communities. Considering the above, the Neolithic revolution provided many features that can be found in modern society, although the social, agricultural, and technological aspects have improved that much more. In the end, the Neolithic revolution was a major stepping stone in relation to the progression of human
In today’s society we are overwhelmed with technology. Technology is changing everyday, and will forever be a staple in our lives. The effect that technology has on our children has brought on some concerns and some praises. Children these days have no choice but to some how be influenced by the ever growing technology in our societies. Our common concern has been that although digital technology has boosted children’s talent for multitasking, their ability to process information deeply may be deteriorating (Carpenter, 2010). Many people have a wide range of opinions on if technology is having a positive influence on our children or a negative, there is a vast amount of evidence to support both of these arguments. Technology can refer to so many things, but there are three main parts of technology that are having the greatest effects on our children: video games, television/media, and computers. The modern technologies we have today are so powerful because they attract our genetic biases, that the human brain has a tremendous love for visually presented information. Video games, television, movies and computer programs are all very visually oriented and therefore they attract and keep the attention of children easily.
The Web. 17 February 2014. Lee Ava. Negative Effects of Parents Using Texting to Converse. Global Post. ND.
Internet has become an infinite source of information. For most of the computer users, internet has developed into a necessity, whether it may be utilized in school, office or home. Different types of information are available online. Although internet can help children with their school works, it also has a dark side. As the generation continues to develop, more and more children are getting involved online. A lot of them can access sites with liberty and gain information that are inappropriate for their age, and this makes internet more dangerous to them. Parents are trying to look for ways to protect their children, to lessen their internet usage and to protect them from these harmful data. To be able to help the parents, there are different parenting styles to help them with their problem. Parental strategies have diverse impact on child’s internet action. But what makes these techniques distinct from one another and how will these affect children’s internet action?
The relationship between children and their interaction with the internet has been on the frontier for parental debate over the past few years. Ever since the internet was accessible to the masses, parents have argued over the perfect balance of exposure. However, In the article “Yes, the internet can make your kids smarter, happier, and kinder,” Jodi Gold argues that the internet can be beneficial to adolescent minds, regardless of how much time they spend in front of a screen. Gold goes against the common stigma of modern day parents, that the internet should stay out of the hands of children, and claims that the world wide web can do more good than bad. Gold provides several notes of discussion that present a handful of ways the internet can
“Parents play an important role in the psychosocial development and well-being of their children” (van den Eijnden). Undeniably, the quote makes a bold declaration that all parents in today’s technologically advanced society should understand and follow. With 90% of teenagers between the ages of 12 and 15 using the internet (Sorbring), it is important for an adult to monitor their daily usage and behavior. “Only 39 percent of parents report using parental controls for blocking, filtering, or monitoring their teenager’s online activities” (Dell’anotnia). Parents should monitor their teenagers’ daily internet use and behavior by engaging in meaningful conversations and dialogue that allow for fostering a healthy relationship.
With 80% of Americans using internet, and that 80% spending an average of 17 hours a week online (each), according to the 2009 Digital Future Report, we are online more than ever before. People can't go a few hours let alone a whole day without checking their emails, social media, text messages and other networking tools. The average teen today deals with more than 3,700 texts in just a month. The use of technology to communicate is making face to face conversations a thing of the past. We have now become a society that is almost completely dependent on our technology to communicate. While technology can be helpful by making communication faster and easier, but when it becomes our main form of conversation it becomes harmful to our communication and social skills. Technological communication interferes with our ability to convey our ideas clearly. Technology can harm our communication skills by making us become unfamiliar with regular everyday human interactions, which can make it difficult for people to speak publicly. Technology can also harm our ability to deal with conflict. These days it is easier to h...
Socializing is not just talking face to face, it’s our ability to interact, learn, and create original thoughts. Technology is hindering today’s youth and their ability to socialize is affecting their capacity to read, write, and communicate. Today’s youth depend on careful considerations for the implementation of technology. Our youth do not have the capability to convey their emotions through the use of technology, understand sadness, happiness or joy through simple text or emails. Communicating through the use of text, chat, and social network sites is lost using abbreviations and slang, inhibiting the use of the Standard English language.
First of all, the Internet, one of the greatest inventions in the history, joined almost all types of telecommunication invented previously such as telephone, radio and television into one, and created new forms of communication such as online text messages, video chatting and social networking. The opportunity of adding and receiving the information on the Internet is one of the aspects stimulating people go online. The simplicity of using the Internet is attracting more and more people in all over the world and the popularity of the Internet is growing even among the youngest aged group of people. To this extent the variety of the information online and vast amount of opportunities provided by websites attract especially children due to their curiosity to know and learn more about the world. However, as in the case with almost all technology, along with benefits come the negative impact of the Internet on children’s development overall.
You hear it all the time in our world, “Be safe online, don’t go online without a parents permission, and internet safety.” We hear this on a daily basis, it’s the world we live in now. Younger kids are on social media, Like Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, and so many more sites, according to an online poll [www.statisticbrain.com/social-networking-statistics], 58% of people have some form of social interaction online. and 73% of teens have social media. [http://www.netsmartz.org/safety/statistics]!This leads many adults to worry about their children, and why shouldn’t they so many adults are saying that they should have more control on what their kids do on the media sites! It is a scary thing to think about. social media lets you talk to anyone, so who could your kids be talking with. Yet that’s not the whole story, we all know the internet is scary but should we really have parents and guardians looking over their kids shoulder after everything they do online? Let’s just take a second and think about this; Your kid will grow up, he will become an adult with his own life and their own computers. they won't have you looking at their every move, they will grow up and wouldn’t it be nice to give them a little more trust online, and know that if something happens they can handle it. Also, if you don’t want your kid to be in any danger online, you shouldn’t have let them ever know what the internet was, because no matter what you do in life, offline or online, there are dangers it’s just the way it goes. And last those kids need to be able to do their own things and make their own mistakes, if you sit there and puppy guard them then what happens, years later, when something happens and they have no idea what to do. T...