A contemporary planning practice focuses on important developments and results that will improve the livability of towns and cities in its global context. However, it is unclear what procedure develops a thriving planning practice. Through the analysis of selected topics, it will be made clear that in order to overcome planning goals and to create a successful contemporary planning practice, teamwork is needed. This is supported as “a team has a common goal or purpose where team members can develop effective, mutual relationships to achieve team goals” (Harris & Harris, 1996). To re-iterate that teamwork in planning is important; this essay will outline the importance of teams in planning, the features of effective teams, strategies to overcome conflict and the stages of an effective team. This essay will also link to relevant case studies.
Why teams are important in planning
In the contemporary planning practice, collaborative planning is critical within three areas. These three areas are multi-stakeholder planning processes, multi-disciplinary issues and the inter-disciplinary practice of plan making (Johnson, 2013). In the modern day planning practices, planners aim to improve the quality of life by integrating economically fundable projects, socially viable works, and plans that are environmentally sustainable (Healey, 1998). As planning is a rather large task, teamwork is essentially necessary to achieve every aspect of a sustainable development. Otherwise the demand of workload for planning projects is a riotous task if the development stages amongst a team are not evident. This theory is reinforced by planning theorist and professor of town and country planning, Patsy Healy, as she believes that collabora...
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...e contemporary planning practice as they depict an effective team that can achieve many outcomes, every planning practice with their team of planning professionals will go through these stages if the team is successful in their work.
Throughout the analysis of selected topics and case studies, it is evident that in order to run a successful contemporary planning practice that achieves goals and targets, teamwork is essential. An extensive analysis of why teamwork is important in planning, features of an effective team, strategies of overcoming conflict and the stages of an effective team was conducted which demonstrates the relationship contemporary planning practices have with teamwork. The procedure behind successful contemporary planning practices is no longer unclear as it is evident that the driving force behind its success is indeed teamwork.
The above article is closely tied to two concepts in the domain of planning and
A multidisciplinary team review could improve informational continuity, management continuity and relational continuity during patient’s transition (Haggerty et al. 2003). The Australian commission on safety and quality in healthcare (ACSQHC 2010) recommends a multidisciplinary team approach and the involvement with patient and family member in decision-making. Individuals’ health-seeking behaviours and care preferences are influenced by their culture (Napier et al. 2014). Many older Greeks migrants believe that family plays the essential role caring their family (Hurley et al. 2013). As Amara does not speak English, a multidisciplinary team should be involved and communicate with Jim and his family in their
* Develop a regional land-use plan in collaboration with local communities, local governments, ministry officials, non-governmental organizations and universities.
The successful use of team practice aims to better serve respected stakeholders. In urban planning, the unity and cohesiveness of a finished work signifies professionalism and clarity, which can only be arrived from a great team. In order to achieve solidarity, good decision making tactics must be enforced. Decision making involves making a logical choice influenced by, and not limited to, facts and information, time, and emotions. These factors may be a sole factor or combined together. Thus, decision making aims to solve a problem. In regards to urban planning, decision making has great influence on the overall success or failure of a plan. This plan may involve key stakeholders or the public, regardless of what party is at stake, decision making must be based on rationality. This paper will examine four decision making practices: (1) decision by authority, (2) decision by majority vote/rule, (3) decision by averaging opinions, and (4) decision by consensus.
The main goal of designing current study is to examine the process of project planning in teams as one of important aspects of team dynamics. The paper will focus on the elements of project planning, such as setting the goals, distributing responsibilities, surmounting obstacles and others. Advantages and disadvantages of working in teams will be analyzed further in the study, as well as evaluation of performance of teams as compared to groups of people and individuals.
Planning is an approach towards the problem solving rationally. It can be taken as a remedial tool for creating change in the current situation in a systematic and efficient way. A problem in the planning profession will be The solution found by planners to varied situations in practice is very dependent on the certain criteria like social, economic, environmental, and political. The evaluation of a solution on these criteria defines the success of a solution. The new definition of the planning problems was given by Rittle and Webber in their path breaking article (Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning).
The purpose of this report is to reflect on my team working experience and to critically review the events of this experience. Throughout the process I kept a diary of events which I will be analysing in conjunction with Tuckman and Jensen’s (1977) model on stages of group development, these are: forming, storming, norming, preforming and adjourning.
to access problems that may arise and collectively problem solve for solutions (Ross, 2008). Ross (2008) outlines the importance of these team to be able to work together with mutual respect, understanding and maintain balance for the initial implementation phase to be
An individual unable to complete all the works by his own, everyone relies on the other’s support and guidance to achieve success. Similarly, a difficult task can be accomplished easily by working as a team. A team is a group of individuals who share the common interest working together to achieve the same goals. Every organisation has teams with members working as one. Team development is a process of linking the individual together to accomplish a task. According to Tuckman’s model, there are five stages of team development, which are forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning (as cited in Fraser & Neville, 1994).
Efficiency in teamwork is complex and does not always come with ease, a lot of work and group problem solving is essential to any good team. Many people think tasks are quite simple from the exterior but when looking closely at a task it is apparent that there are many details that go into the success of a surgery, flying a plane, designing a building, etc. Nobody can do it alone, together, it takes time and effort to make quick decisions and communicate to get the job done correctly. It is hard, and does not always work out. When constructing a building, there is a large process that involves calculations, designs, adjustments to clients needs, planning, and then building to code and hoping the whole thing doesn't come crashing down. To create
It is obvious that people live in a big group around the world. This means that it is difficult for individuals to achieve complex goals alone, so people need to work together and use every one’s advantages to complete many tasks. Nowadays, “team” and “teamwork” are two popular words in our society. Especially in business, an effective team could have more successes in the workplace and make more profit for their organization. In order to make an organization successful, managers have to consider some questions about teams and teamwork management. Why do people work together? What benefits or advantages do individuals and organizations have from team and teamwork? The purpose of this essay is to analyze these problems by using knowledge and theories of management. Also, there is a personal example to explain the importance of teamwork and state personal views of team and teamwork.
Tarricone, P., & Luca, J. (2002). Successful teamwork: A case study. (pp. 640-646). Milperra: Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia, Inc. DOI:
“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success,” (Ford, n.d). Ford’s quote and the concept of teamwork in planning are significantly important and prevalent in contemporary planning practices. The importance of a team in planning is imperative in providing a good plan. The team would also advance through the stages of team development. As a result an effective and cohesive team is achieved and there becomes a common goal is produce the paramount result. However, members within an effective team may come into conflicts with ideas or practices. Likely, these conflicts can be resolved with simple strategies. Nevertheless, through all the conflicts within a team group, teamwork still
Working in teams provides an opportunity for individuals to come together and establish a rapport towards others within a group. Teamwork is classified as people with different strengths and skills who work together to achieve a common goal. When a team works well, specific objectives are fulfilled and satisfied. Teamwork plays a crucial role in implementing and fulfilling a common goal in a team project. Each member plays a role and takes on different responsibilities combined together. In different stages of teamwork, conflicts and arguments may occur for as members have different standpoints which need to be harmonized within the team. The key to having an effective teamwork is to explore each member's unique abilities to motivate them.
Many of the talents and skills they regularly use on a daily basis will transfer to the project tasks that they may to be assigned.