Tattoos vs. Body Piercings

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Tattoos vs. Body Piercings

Your 18th birthday is one of the most important birthdays. You are finally of legal age to get a tattoo or a body piercing. The difficult question you now face is which one do you choose? You would love either, so the decision is mainly based on the expense, aftercare, permanence, and the pain of each. Both are great ways of self-expression but body piercing is an overall better idea.

The aftercare of a tattoo is complex for the first couple of weeks. The tattoo cannot be soaked in water for 7-10 days, it cannot be exposed to the sun for 2-3 weeks, and it is detrimental that the skin is not picked or scratched in the area around the tattoo also. Also, the tattoo parlor that is chosen by a person determines the immediate aftercare instructions. Some say to remove the bandage right away. While others insist that you leave it on for two hours. This contains a risk since you don’t know which way is more accurate and safer. Body piercing is far easier to take care of in the weeks following the piercing. Depending on the body part all that is suggested is that for the first few weeks you apply a disinfection lotion or some other form of anti-bacterial liquid. Other than that piercings are free of care.

The expense for body piercing and tattoos vary widely. Tattoo parlors normally have a $60 minimum for any tattoo. The prices go up from there depending on the size, color, detail of the design, and area of the body it is located. One good thing i...

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