Piercing Essays

  • Body Piercing 101

    866 Words  | 2 Pages

    Body Piercing 101 There are various aspects through which people identify themselves. People are always sending some sort of message out at all times. These messages are means of communications about the individual to his or her peers and to society. Styles of dress, language, music, and dance are some of the ways that describes one’s own unique symbols, values, and meanings. One other signifier of identity is body piercing. Body piercing is a form of body modification, in which you puncture a hole

  • Body Piercings

    1173 Words  | 3 Pages

    Body piercings have been around since before Biblical times and even earlier. Body piercings have a very interesting and vast history. The piercing methods have been used for a very long time. There are many different types of bodily piercings that a person can get. The purpose of this paper is to inform the reader about the history of body piercings, popular types of body piercings, modern day piercing, and facts about body piercings. Body piercings originated in the Middle East around 4000 years

  • Tattoos and Piercings

    541 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction Tattoos and piercings are considered cool in popular culture, but they can be bad for the body. Different reasons are people can have an allergic reaction to metals used in the jewelry when having a piercing, and if a dirty needle is used in a tattoo, a person's body could get infected. Body Piercings Body piercings are cutting a part of the human body, creating an opening in which jewelry can be worn. If you ever decide to get a piercing make sure you're up to date with your immunizations

  • Pop Culture Piercings

    1003 Words  | 3 Pages

    Piercings in Pop Culture For thousands of years, women have been getting pierced to fit societal standards of beauty. From childhood ear piercings mentioned in the Kama Sutra in the 300’s to stretching of the earlobes and lower lip in African tribes to belly button rings today in the United States, the act of piercing has been prevalent in many cultures, locations, and time periods. Today, it is common for women in the United States to have their ear lobes pierced, but there are also many women

  • Tattoos vs. Body Piercings

    807 Words  | 2 Pages

    Tattoos vs. Body Piercings Your 18th birthday is one of the most important birthdays. You are finally of legal age to get a tattoo or a body piercing. The difficult question you now face is which one do you choose? You would love either, so the decision is mainly based on the expense, aftercare, permanence, and the pain of each. Both are great ways of self-expression but body piercing is an overall better idea. The aftercare of a tattoo is complex for the first couple of weeks. The tattoo cannot

  • Body Piercing Informative Essay

    1898 Words  | 4 Pages

    Body piercing has grown so much in popularity recently that it is now almost mainstream, with along with other sporting navel rings and multiple ear rings. Facial piercings, surface piercings and several others available can make things confusing. If you do not know what you should expect when you choose to obtain a piercing, it may be even more intimidating. Here are a few of the top questions people have about body piercing. 1. I must get a body piercing. How much will it cost? The price tag on

  • Tattoos and Piercings and The Medical Field

    646 Words  | 2 Pages

    Do you ever wonder why you never see tattoos and piercings in the medical or federal working fields? It’s because some people believe that a person with tattoos and/or piercings is linked to people with bad reputations, such as bikers, sailors, criminals, and gang members, but that is false. Piercings and tattoos have been popular for quite a long time now, but still get looked down upon and can even affect your daily life. The oldest recorded tattoos were left on Otzi the Iceman, who was believed

  • The Importance Of Body Art And Piercings

    643 Words  | 2 Pages

    Body art and piercings are controversial to this day because its making people have trouble in their career, life ,and cause diseases which to me seems very terrible. In 1991 a man called East Buc from over “4,000 B,C”, told us that tattoos were really here from the beginning of the world. At ancient times to be tattooed would be painful and might even end up been death for them.. It was used to mark on slaves to show others that they were slaves in “WWII”. Then came from tribes called Aztecs and

  • Tattoos and Piercings on Doctors

    949 Words  | 2 Pages

    imagine a doctor adorned with tattoos or piercings but those kinds of doctors are out there. As long as a doctor can do their job right then piercings, or no piercings, and tattoos, or no tattoos, shouldn’t matter. Although some people have concerns about the quality of medical care about doctors with tattoos and piercings, they should not be discriminated against because of this personal choice. Many people believe that doctors shouldn’t have tattoos and piercings. Many say that it affects their work

  • Body Piercings Essay

    1515 Words  | 4 Pages

    Body piercings seem to be spreading and changing dramatically. They have existed since thousands of years and many more. Almost every person has a body piercing. The practice of puncturing or cutting a part of the human body seems to fascinate many people. No one really knows when body piercings came into thought. Since ancient time’s piercings has been practiced all over the world. Mummified bodies with pierced ears have been discovered. The oldest mummy discovered with a piercing was 5,300 years

  • Should Body Piercing be Banned?

    731 Words  | 2 Pages

    Piercing is a practice of body modification that allows an individual to cut or puncture a body part in order to wear a ring, stud or any other kind of jewelry. This may be done for many reasons, which vary from person to person. Some do it for fun, some like the way it looks, others, mostly masochists, just like the pain. It serves as a source of self-satisfaction for them. A survey showed that between the ages of 18 to 50, 24% of the individuals have got piercings. The Northwestern University conducted

  • The Rising Tide of Individuality: Facial Piercings

    1186 Words  | 3 Pages

    such as getting facial piercings, which are also known as body modifications. Body modification has been around for centuries, most people get either piercings or tattoos as a form of art expression. Piercings’ have evolved greatly, with new techniques such as the spectrum piercing which is a piercing of the cartilage between nostrils. The lip piercing is a piercing that penetrates the lips or the area surrounding the lips. A micro dermal implant which is a surface piercing that usually only has

  • Complications of Oral Piercings and Prevention Tips

    664 Words  | 2 Pages

    Oral piercings are a growing trend in young adults used to represent self expression and uniqueness. Oral piercings are referred to as piercings that are inside the mouth with the most popular being the tongue. Other types include the lip, uvula, frenum, and cheeks. Oral piercings usually have a quick healing time due to their plentiful blood supply in the oral cavity; however, though piercing seems harmless due to its reversibility as compared to tattoos, there is a big concern to dental and medical

  • navel piercings: infections and regrets

    627 Words  | 2 Pages

    Belly button piercing may look cute but most of the people that get one do not understand how dangerous it really is. Many people get this piercing without doing recerch on it and just want it to look pretty and not take care of it. Getting a navel piercing is wrong for three main reasons: the piercing could get infected and push out, the piercing would get trapped in the skin when you gain weight and they would pierce the conception vessel. Infections Navel piercings could get infected

  • Body Piercing: Reclamation, Enhancement, And Self-Expression

    2119 Words  | 5 Pages

    In America the practice of body piercing is everywhere, especially among young people, who are getting several parts of their bodies pierced either as an affirmation of their personal individuality, as a means of sexual gratification or stimulation, a reclamation of their bodies from physical or emotional trauma, or for as a means of adornment. Whatever the reason, it's widespread. Body piercing is the piercing of the ears, nose, septum, cheeks, lip, tongue, nipples, navel, clitoris, labia, penis

  • Body Modifications: Tattoos and Body Piercings

    1800 Words  | 4 Pages

    How far is too far when it comes to body modifications, such as tattooing and body piercing. Until those who tattoo and pierce to excess, realize the stigma they are placing on the art, the United States government should regulate where and to what degree tattoo artists can legally tattoo or pierce. To answer the question of why people tattoo, one would have to look back to how the early civilization made a living and their opinions on the world around them. Prehistoric people may have been the

  • Workplace Policy On Body Piercings, Tattoos, And Appearance

    517 Words  | 2 Pages

    Lawyers of the Future Subject: Workplace Policy on Body Piercings, Tattoos, and Appearances Body Piercings (other than ear): Body piercings would not be allowed in the workspace because it does not professionalism. The Only exception is on “Casual Days” Body Piercings (for the ear): To show professionalism, Both Males and Females are not allowed to have double piercings or cartilage piercings Body Piercings (Business Professional Court): Body Piercings of any kind would not be allowed in court besides

  • Body Piercing, Tattooing and the Public School Dress Code

    869 Words  | 2 Pages

    Body Piercing,  Tattooing and the School Dresscode Body piercing in high schools definitely isn't a new subject to me.  I have had many run-ins with my school administration about ear and other body piercings.  Because of my multiple piercings in my ears, the counselor and the principle have told me before that I cannot have any body piercings.  Under other circumstances, I might except that answer.  However, since the school dress code does not touch on body piercings in the handbook they cannot

  • Losing Touch with the True Meaning of Body Piercings

    1440 Words  | 3 Pages

    Throughout the world, many individuals have body piercings. Various parts of the body can be pierced, including the navel, earlobe, eyebrow, or even the septum. The many different areas of the body that can be pierced have caused major controversy. While many believe that piercings are an exquisite form of art, others believe that piercings are tacky and a form of self-mutilation. Permanently marking ones skin to insert jewelry has become a hobby that the American culture has become obsessed with

  • Tattoos, Body Piercings, and Other Body Modifications

    2758 Words  | 6 Pages

    including diverse types of piercing and circumcision are remnants of the cultures from the ancient world. Tattooing and deliberate scarification became other ways of personal expression early on in prehistory, possibly also before fashioned clothing. It is co... ... middle of paper ... ...TE / SITE OFFICIEL D'ORLAN." ORLAN OFFICIAL WEBSITE SITE OFFICIEL DORLAN RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Dec. 2013. . Rush, John A.. Spiritual tattoo: a cultural history of tattooing, piercing, scarification, branding