Task Identity Paper

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The five job attributes of job characteristics are skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback. It is suggested that with using the job characteristic model in the workplace setting, it will increase motivation and job satisfaction. Skill variety requires the employee to use different abilities and required skills to perform the job function. A nurse is a job that requires an individual to have many skills because they administer medication, patient charting, obtaining vital signs, knowledge of anatomy, computer programs, and communication skills. Task identity is a job that requires multiple steps that need to be performed before the job is complete. An example of task identity is a cabinetmaker they have to go …show more content…

Your employees can schedule their appointments with clients that will best suit their needs and decide scheduling specific time allotment for each client as they deemed fit. Feedback is satisfying to employees and especially when it is positive comments from your manager letting you know that you are doing an excellent job, can affect a individuals motivation level. If you know that your manager is pleased with your performance, it will give you the motivation to keep up the excellent work. I'm sure that negative feedback can hurt motivation because it will affect the self-esteem of the employee if they feel inadequate in the job they perform. When using the job characteristics model will lead to higher employee motivation because it relates to three of the psychological states which are meaningfulness of work, responsibility for results and knowledge of results (Kiniki, Williams, 2016). When you apply the characteristic model, you must follow the three-step guidelines which are diagnosing the work to see where the problem exists, determine whether a job design is appropriate, and consider how to redesign the job (Kiniki, WIlliams,

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