The Importance Of Professional Identity In Nursing

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Introduction Professionals are people who have equipped themselves with the knowledge and skills in a given field. The interest of improvement of the professional identity is an evidence of how high standards are placed upon the professionals in the community (Johnson et al., 2012). Each profession creates its norms, values and scope of practice that distinguishes it from any other profession. Different legal ethics are upheld and everyone needs to work as per the stipulated ethics in the field to be part of the profession. People in the field are expected to be knowledgeable and independently use decision making in solving various problems that may arise. The decisions made should be within the norms and values stipulated for a profession. Professional identity is a necessary attainment that requires one to meet if he or she has to be successful in the career. Inability to be identified within a profession inhibits one to carry out his or her duties, acceptance in the profession and inability to link with the desired profession. As a registered nurse, one has to understand what it means by being a registered nurse, how to do things following all the legal requirements associated (Johnson et al., 2012). This paper is going discuss …show more content…

It is through this identity that enables one to be recognized in the community and among other professions. However, the process of getting professional identity should be through an ideal way keeping in mind all the legal issues involved in the process. One undergoes through the process of education where he or she gains knowledge and skills in the field. He or she adheres to the rules and regulations that dictate the profession. Keeping all these requirements expected from the profession enables a registered nurse to gain a professional identity thus able to associate with other health care members and become recognized in the

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