Summary: The Tethered Generation By Kathryn Tyler

554 Words2 Pages

Mohammed Ali Syed
Ms. Jessica Madinger
October 21, 2016
English 102
Extended Summary
“The Tethered Generation” by Kathryn Taylor Kathryn Tyler in her article ‘The Tethered Generation’ she claims that though technology has enabled the dependency of children, it has further abetted parental oversight, and it easier for those parents who are overbearing to ‘hover’ well into adulthood” ( Tyler, 470). She is refereeing to one of the many reasons as to why the millennial generation is taking much longer time to reach adulthood. The author claims that technology has enabled parents and modern generations the cell phones a device with which parents, and their children can stay together wherever they go. Taylor claims that an essential part of completing a person’s growth is when they have a chance of making their mistakes and figure out the problems they face on their own. However, modern technologies such as emails, cell phones among other similar devices are limiting the young people’s ability to do things on their own that will make them become responsible and great adults. …show more content…

In comparing the dependency connectivity as part of rationalizing her argument, Taylor uses an example where parents act as helicopters or hover over their kids. She states that since the introduction of new technologies, parents have made great efforts in trying to connect with their children into adulthood and make it much easier to remain in touch for a long duration of time.
Tyler uses a report on Generation Y’s Work ethic of 2006 to support her argument that the technologies have contributed to adequate performances. However, in doing so, she fails to show the results of other generations compare and this makes her argument to seem inconclusive and

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